Author Topic: Small Team Deathmatch - It's fixed! I'm not a loser after all!  (Read 5701 times)

I just updated, so if you want the GOOD version, redownload.  

The Bases (no duping guys)

Big Old Overview pro photography

It uses Tier Tactical and Slayer.  I put all of the required add-ons in the folder.  Simply extract them into add-ons and go!  

If this somehow still interests you, go ahead and download it here:  

If you discover any catastrophic problems, feel free to tell me about them.  Your feedback is valued.  
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 06:36:31 PM by morningstar »

I didn't know how to make a slayer minigame default, so you're just gonna have to live with making your own slayer

Like this:

Like this:
Thanks.  I've edited the gamemode and it now supports Slayer properly.  Additionally, I fixed the folder containing all of the required add-ons so it has everything needed.  

If you want the good version, redownload. 
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 09:07:33 PM by morningstar »

I'm liking that build
Thank you.  
If I can't fix slayer, I'm going to lock the topic.  Oh my god.  
I actually fixed it everyone!  I'm not a loser after all! 
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 06:35:36 PM by morningstar »

Can you make a version without T+T? That weaponset bugs me for some reason.

Go into the file, copy gamemode.txt onto desktop, edit it to include the weps you want, move back into file, copy and replace. 

Start gamemode, save map, load map on custom, edit map to include weapons, profit.