Author Topic: Avatar Backround Transparency  (Read 545 times)

Every time I made the backround of my avatar transparent, it just ends up staying in a white backround.
As you can see, my avatar's backround isn't transparent.
Please help? I use paint.NET yet it won't turn transparent here.

What file type is it saved as?
How big is the image?

What file type is it saved as?
How big is the image?
Image is 75x75

File type is-

What file type is it saved as?
How big is the image?
What does it NEED to be

Pretty much the only thing that makes this happen is that you dont change the file quality to PNG. It just stays JPEG. I'm gonna trans it for ya.

Pretty much the only thing that makes this happen is that you dont change the file quality to PNG. It just stays JPEG. I'm gonna trans it for ya.
