Author Topic: TRAX -- Tron + Spleef!  (Read 1604 times)

It's like Tron and Spleef combined!
⬗ Run around a well-designed map, leaving behind a wake of destruction (literally) so tiles behind you vanish!
⬗ Use the bumpers at the edges of the arena to send yourself careening across the map and surprise-attack opponents!
⬗ Cut in front of people to leave them stranded, doomed to fall!


When you spawn, you will be on a large, clear platform with a "5" on it. It will count down to 0, and then disappear. Make sure you move to a position where you won't be falling into certain death! Once the game starts, get moving, because platforms disappear one second after they're touched and stay vanished for 5 seconds. Large tiles (the 4 islands and the middle one) will disappear after 1.5 seconds because they take longer to traverse. White bumpers at the edges will bounce you to the other side of the map, but make sure you won't be flying into a pit; the one in the middle launches you straight up. Try to cut in front of people so the path ahead of them will disappear. The last one not to fall wins! Please note that the colors do not correspond to teams; this is a free-for-all.


More to come!


Built by: TristanBomb (me)
Beta tested by: Sos, he helped with some labor too
Hosting by: HamHost

Q: Can I have the build?
A: If you get my permission, I'll most likely say yes. Just tell me first.

Q: Is it a gamemode?
A: Nope. I use events like a real man.

Q: Can I have admin?
A: No.

Q: Even if I fill out an application?
A: Still no.

Q: Mr. So-and-so is cheating!
A: That's not a question. Show or record him "cheating." Most likely, that "cheat" was intentional. If it wasn't I'll patch it and not punish the cheater - after all, if you're clever enough to figure out how to cheat, you don't deserve punishment.

Q: This sucks!
A: Good for you, don't play it.

Q: Can you add push broom?
A: I tried that, and it took out the strategy. Sorry, but no.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 07:11:07 PM by TristanLuigi »

looks cool! will play!
I've been wrestling with my server to make it work, so it might not be up this instant but it will be in a few minutes.'
EDIT: It's up, but print letters are broken so the beginning-of-round timer's visually broken, but it works fine.
EDIT2: Ok, restarting it to fix music and letters... hopefully.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 07:42:17 PM by TristanLuigi »

mmmm i always wanted to play this in minecraft but it was a hard to play on this pc. will join whenever it's up.

mmmm i always wanted to play this in minecraft but it was a hard to play on this pc. will join whenever it's up.
It's up now.

Bumped this, just for you. ;)

Bumped this, just for you. ;)

Btdubz guys,  there's been an update with help by Horus, but I don't feel like  taking pics right now.

It's a good idea but what does this have anything to do with Tron?
All because it's black with colors doesn't mean it has anything to do with Tron.

It's a good idea but what does this have anything to do with Tron?
All because it's black with colors doesn't mean it has anything to do with Tron.
what does blockland has to do with land?
i mean terrain is gone so there's really no "land"

what does blockland has to do with land?
i mean terrain is gone so there's really no "land"
that brown townogy is so fundamentally stufftastic I can't choose where to start

the only similarity this has with TRON is the fact you leave a temporary no-goes trail.

the idea sounds pretty nice though
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 08:15:18 AM by Cybertails1998 »

Im the guy who thought of the name for this.

Tron is the name of a game based on the way the tron light-bikes or whatever they're called work in the films. The basic idea is that players cant go where other players just went, because theres a wall or something there. Theres a flash game called BMTron which people used to play in school which is a good example of this if you wanna go find it.

Spleef is a game in minecraft in which you break blocks below other players feet so that they fall and die/lose. Im sure everyone knows this by now though.

Will join later. Pretty cool.