Brickitect, your creations always look brilliant from a quick glance at the pictures because the buildings are fantastically designed. But, upon closer inspection, they always look disorganized because of one little detail that surprisingly not many people consider when they are building - and that is to download more brick packs that have longer and wider brick options (such as 1x5, 1x7, 3x11, 7x9, halfbricks) and use them in the builds. There are several places in all of your builds that look sloppy because you used a 1x4 brick and a 1x1 brick to fill a 1x5 space, and the line that results due to the texture makes that area look sloppy (look at the picture of the sign for this build). In tangent with this, texture lines are ugly, and when there are texture lines between bricks of the same color that do not follow a pattern, it makes the design look sloppy. Referring again to your sign, you used a 2 height 1x1 brick with a 1x1 plate to allow for the height necessary to contain the sign's print bricks. The thought of dividing the two layers of text by a line is a good idea, but if that line is not a different color, it is pointless. In addition, if you were to use a different color for that line, it would be necessary to carry through with that line on to the borders, and so it would look best to divide the edge into two 1x1 bricks and extend the line into the border.
I ran an experiment back in March involving this concept - that texture lines, when used in incorrect places, cause the build to look sloppy. My hypotheses were that if the lines were hidden by a difference of color, then the build would increase in quality, and if (for example) horizontal lines are continued across an area such that other patterns of horizontal lines do not coincide with the previously made horizontal lines, then the build would increase in quality. The same goes for the vertical direction. Both of these hypotheses proved true when I invited a group of 30 people over a period of two weeks to my server to examine a build I made and duplicated (the first was made without the added brick packs containing bricks like 1x7 and 1x9, the second was remade with these bricks and included the horizontal concept).
Something about chaos affects our favorability toward things.
On a different note, you are good about using differing depths in your buildings, but what you have neglected to include is differing depths in your environments. The grass should be taller than the curb (I have never seen differently) - a plate taller is a good representation for medium-short grass. The same goes for your paths (which would look best if depressed into the grass) and the mulch bed (which would look best if it were taller than the grass).
I know you aren't going for all default bricks because I can see some add-on bricks in there, so why not download some brick packs that have more bricks than what default offers? Chromedome made a series of brick packs with a good range of bricks, as have many other people.