Author Topic: Who the forget...?  (Read 3773 times)

so what you are saying is that if i dont write a bachelors degree essay on the benefits of playing roblox than i am automatically a douchebag
i dont get it

What? Did you pull that out of your ass or something? That's not what I'm saying at all.


does that make him a hyprocrite

is he on a bandwagon?

1. I said he was a hypocrite in the first place because he said  "way to jump on the roblox hate bandwagon" when at the same time, he's using an argument that many other people say aswell. That's hypocrisy. You should be able to understand that since you taught me what that was.

2. Therefore, in Titanium Man's logic, he's on a bandwagon.

1. I said he was a hypocrite in the first place because he said  "way to jump on the roblox hate bandwagon" when at the same time, he's using an argument that many other people say aswell. That's hypocrisy. You should be able to understand that since you taught me what that was.
I genuinely can't tell if you're trying to be a hardcore epitome of poe's law or just accidentally being an idiot but either way it's giving me a good chuckle

I was Azjherben on roblox, which was also the name of my first blockland forums account.
You're the guy who ripped off my airstrike mod and put an admin backdoor in it? I mean now that I'm aware of it I can do a quick search and see this isn't any big revelation, but until now I had thought that guy left in shame forever after getting exposed and deactivated.

1. I said he was a hypocrite in the first place because he said  "way to jump on the roblox hate bandwagon" when at the same time, he's using an argument that many other people say aswell. That's hypocrisy. You should be able to understand that since you taught me what that was.

2. Therefore, in Titanium Man's logic, he's on a bandwagon.

lol are you genuinely being handicapped

lol are you genuinely being handicapped


Guess you're out your own things to say then, aren't you?

i should have posted this earlier, but why bring roblox up in the first place?

you know people don't like it, you know it's a volatile subject, you know people are likely going to argue about it

so just

Ok, I'm done here.

If you're just going to act like a 7 year old then I guess there's no point anymore.

If you're just going to act like a 7 year old then I guess there's no point anymore.
You see, he's pulling out the typical "He's a 12 year old, he's stupid" card. Nothing original there, folks.
talk about

Ok, I'm done here.

If you're just going to act like a 7 year old then I guess there's no point anymore.
you have finally done your great deed to the world and disclosed the fact that titanium man is in fact on a bandwagon
you will be forever famed for this contribution to our lands

talk about



So basically, this thread starts out as DrenDran seing some random guy with his name and avatar on Roblox, and then Bopizku goes all apestuff because Titanium Man thinks Roblox isn't a bad game. Why the hell did it matter if he was on a "bandwagon" or not?

Also, your logic is messed up severely. A bandwagon is following what another person does like a sheep, as you say, so if a bunch of Blocklanders hate Roblox simply because it is Roblox, that is a bandwagon.
If a Blocklander likes Roblox and gives reasons such as more features, etc., that isn't another bandwagon; they aren't following anyone and probably do actually like Roblox.

So you created a stuffstorm in this thread just because you couldn't risk your precious ego getting shot down by a bunch of people you don't know on the internet.


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OT: That is really strange, especially looking at how they chose you out of everybody on the forums to mimic.