Author Topic: Kaiju playertypes  (Read 1120 times)

Kaiju is Japanese for "strange creature", giant monsters that have special powers, e.g Godzilla.
I think some kaiju playertypes would be great for Boss Battles servers, etc.
Here are some examples of what I'd like:

Name: King Ghidorah
Description: A golden, three-headed armless dragon with two wings and two tails.
Abilities: Interplanetary travel, energy breath, flight
Playertype: 750HP, somewhat faster than the Air Dragon, energy breath weapon  and gliding ability (hold shift?)

Name: Gamera
Description: Giant, upright turtle with tusks.
Abilities: Flies by withdrawing arms and legs, firing flames from limb cavities and spinning around in the air, can shoot plasma fireballs.
Playertype: 750HP, slow, plasma ball weapon and flying.

Name: Mechagodzilla
Description: Large Godzilla-like robot, metal shell.
Abilities: Laser beam fired from mouth.
Playertype: Standard speed, 750HP, laser beam weapon

Any of these would be great playertypes; feel free to suggest other monsters.

Since the game is Blockland, It would look crappy ingame.

Since the game is Blockland, It would look crappy ingame.
it wouldn't look crappy, it would be horribly optimized

Since the game is Blockland, It would look crappy ingame.

The playertypes could be down sized close to the size of a blockhead if that would work. Then all you would need to do is use the PlayerScale event to make them bigger.

Also, Idk if this is a Japanese show or not but maybe some UltraMan creatures would be neat to see.

YES YES YES Someone please make this happen