Author Topic: Max Physics Vehicles limit  (Read 2043 times)

Is it possible to raise the server's max physics vehicles limit past 20? It's a real burden.

No. Physics vehicles have extremely bad netcode. A server with a good connection can barely keep up with sending the updates of 20 vehicles to the players.

Wait, I've done it, and it still applies (I think....).  It was at 20 and interfered with something I was doing and I adjusted it to 99.  Don't remember what I did though.

Wait, I've done it, and it still applies (I think....).  It was at 20 and interfered with something I was doing and I adjusted it to 99.  Don't remember what I did though.
are you sure it's not locked to 20?

i remember being able to do it years ago

are you sure it's not locked to 20?

i remember being able to do it years ago

Very sure, but I'd have to look for what I did, cause I don't remember.  I am very certain I did it in v21 too.

Just tried it out, doesn't work anymore.  But I still am vividly sure I could do it sometime during v21.

$Pref::Server::MaxPhysVehicles_Total = "10";

$Pref::Server::Quota::Vehicle = "5";

Have you tried the server preffs?

There is one way to do it, but it's really glitchy. I found a mod will let you have more than 20 physics vehicles because it has events used to spawn vehicles, and it doesn't count them as physics vehicles (not gonna have the link up anymore because the mod glitches some things). You can change their color with zone events. (OnInZone>AllVehicles>SetColor>[Color]). However, these vehicles might not work with certain things. For example, the skycrane can't pick up supply-dropped vehicles, and the vehicles don't work with things like fuel mod.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 01:27:52 PM by Who Cares99 »

Ah, okay. I probably won't end up using it because of how glitchy it is. Thanks though!