Author Topic: Crash when I join any server  (Read 908 times)

you didn't even post your console.log

seriously marbleman, seriously.

console log has no significance

no, it tells us your system setup
Code: [Select]
//-------------------------- 12/16/2013 -- 17:13:38 -----
Processor Init:
   AMD (unknown), ~2.85 Ghz
Blockland v21 build 1908
Total Ram: 12287 MB
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

also that it died right here
Code: [Select]
Connection established
Connected successfully, killing other pending connections

i can't help you. try reinstalling maybe. does the non steam version still work?

reinstalled it, still crashed

fixed: it was something in my config client folder

Causing a buffer overrun? Post please. That's abnormal beyond usual

Causing a buffer overrun? Post please. That's abnormal beyond usual
I re-installed, then put files in my  blockland until it crashed
It was something in config/client
IDK otherwise


  • Administrator
Can you zip up the offending config/client folder and send it to me?

That was what I was getting at as well. I'd like a copy if you don't mind..?

Can you zip up the offending config/client folder and send it to me?
Sure, but it's a massive folder

That was what I was getting at as well. I'd like a copy if you don't mind..?
I did more looking into and after I accidentally crashed my server for this exact same reason
i found out that it might have something  to do with export("~/.cs"); and exec("~/.cs");

Sure, but it's a massive folder
I realized that it's now fragmented and not in its original form,
I'll somehow have to manage to replicate the crash again now