Author Topic: Les Miserables Map [WIP]  (Read 1418 times)

So this is a small Les Miserables Map (obviously), which I have been working on for the last hour. Criticism/ Rating allowed.

Gee I'd never figure anyone would build anything of Les Miserables
the movie anyway because i guess a set on a play isn't as 3 dimensional
Besides that for a pile of thrown furniture, it's a pretty nice pile of thrown furniture. I don't think they'd left that gap open though... I think if you finished up the alleyways that were shown it'd make a nice singing deathmatch.

gee i hope you can push russel crowe and the dulcet tones he contains far down the dam's rushing waters

Jesus, I like it! I think you need to get some emitters and set the lighting and sky right so that it sets a better mood. It would give it such a polished / finished feel.
Also perhaps take and redo the street and make it a little more, misshapen? I think it needs a slight slope or at least some more texture to it than being flat.

I just remember my ex-gf raving about the movie showing me some behind the scenes stuff and they had trouble with the architecture because they wanted the buildings to be like old and poorly put together so they had to like, purposely design them crooked and such. It was an interesting watch.

Reminded me of this.
I like it, Very nice!

Oh yes, can't wait for it to be finished.

You do realize this was based on real events, right? It's a little funny to call it after a movie that was based on true events.

Other than that I think you could do some more fitting architecture and fix up the furniture pile. Right now it looks like a massive dirt pile.

I was an extra in the film set for Les Miserables.

In fact I left my phone on the barricade set when it was disassembled.
Infact, my phone was inside that barricade when it was being filmed :)

Thanks for the Positive comments, everyone. To let you know, I am currently revising and editing the scene, to give it a wider area, as it will perhaps be a Les Miserables TDM/CTF.

I was an extra in the film set for Les Miserables.

In fact I left my phone on the barricade set when it was disassembled.
Infact, my phone was inside that barricade when it was being filmed :)
Will Furdles ego ever stop growing?

Will Furdles ego ever stop growing?
How was that egotistical?
like seriously that was just me telling you something related to the build.
And I don't think being an extra in a film is bragging...