Author Topic: Its my great-grandmother birthday.  (Read 951 times)

93 years and counting!
She actually doesnt want to live anymore wich is sad.

i know it's sad that she wishes not to live anymore
but it made me think of this

mine was 98 before she died 2 years ago, she would have been 100 this year
apparently she was having hallucinations before she passed, she saw like little children in her home but my aunt said there weren't any

mine was 98 before she died 2 years ago, she would have been 100 this year
apparently she was having hallucinations before she passed, she saw like little children in her home but my aunt said there weren't any

death of thirst

@OP, well be thankful you have a great grandmother! heck, that you even have a grandmother!

I only have my parents left. Be with them whilst you still can. Unless they are those type of grandparents that support Riddler and miss the days of slavery.

My grandmother is turning 91 in late January. She doesn't really care too much if she lives or dies because all she really does now is watch golf on TV. All of her children live far away from her, and her husband has been dead for over 14 years. Be thankful that you have a great-grandmother many people's great-grandparents are no longer alive.

my great grandmother had this neat red car that is forever in my early childhood memory
she died when i was 10. ;-;

Wasn't alive to see my great-grandparents, but at least I still have grandparents.

i only have my moms grandmother left, shes in peru. i haven't seen her in a while