Author Topic: DNS Poisoning?  (Read 523 times)

My grandmother sent me an email saying that she is constantly being redirected to other sites whenever she uses ant web browser. My first and most obvious thought would that her DNS address was changed, but I don't know if it could be something else like some sort of browser hijacker or something. What else should I check for? Also, I don't know her original DNS address either, so if it were that I would probably just set it to Google's free DNS service ( &

Call the ISP and get the DNS back

and run a virus scan with malewarebytes

Call the ISP and get the DNS back

I don't see why you'd want their DNS instead of

Google's free DNS service

, but regardless, you wouldn't need to call them, just set it to automatically configure

Is it all sites, or just specific ones? And what site is it redirecting to?

1. Change DNS server
2. Check hosts file (windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts) for any suspicious entries
3. Scan more malware

Is it all sites, or just specific ones? And what site is it redirecting to?
I don't have that information yet.