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Author Topic: Teleport Event - DoPlayerTeleport  (Read 9111 times)

omg this event is useful for my server :D thank you so much!!

ooh, I remember this one.  I didn't download it because I- didn't really need it for anything.

Now that this topic has a bunch of reply's and is popular enough to stay on the front page for a while I think you should clarify exactly what this add-on does and how it is different from the other teleportation events.  Y'know, fix up the original post a bit.

if you're talking about the direction the player faces, then yeah. What I'm talking about is position. setPlayerTransform would teleport the player to the center of the brick no matter what. DoPlayerTeleport can teleport a player to a certain distance in a certain direction from a certain brick in relation to another brick.
It doesn't seem to do that for me. When I use it with relative settings all checked, it still teleports me to the center of the brick.

whoops, accidentally voted the last poll option, meant to put something else, sorry.

OT: really cool

Well, this is cool and all.

Too bad updating it will break all my eventing using the old event...

what's with that poll lol