Author Topic: Dedicated Server Questions  (Read 1561 times)

I think you can change the game mode by adding the -gamemode [gamemode name] argument to the same .exe that you add -dedicated to, but I might be remembering this incorrectly. This will set the gamemode to what you want. Or, join the server, press CTRL + A, click server settings (I think) and choose a different gamemode.

Server messages can be done by typing messageAll('', 'hi'); in the console (note: there are two 's). There are ways to stylize this text. I've also seen people using announce("hello"); but I'm not sure if it's default.

Server messages can be done by typing messageAll('', 'hi'); in the console (note: there are two 's). There are ways to stylize this text. I've also seen people using announce("hello"); but I'm not sure if it's default.

there's actually a talk(); command you can use
just put the message inside the ()s (i'm not sure if it needs ""s or not)

there's actually a talk(); command you can use
just put the message inside the ()s (i'm not sure if it needs ""s or not)

Yeah you can use talk(); to talk as CONSOLE: if you want. I think torque passes arguments as strings but for good practice from better languages, just use quotes.

What about it saying like my websie every 5 minuites? And wheres the addon file for non-steam
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 08:52:36 PM by Marzshine »

What about it saying like my websie every 5 minuites? And wheres the addon file for non-steam

I'm not sure what you mean for the first question. If you're talking about the Posting to master server thing, that's when your server tells the Blockland master server data about your server so other players can find it on the join a game server list. Ignore it (if it isn't posting, type webcom_postserver(); in the console).

Second question: Documents/Blockland/Add-Ons/ if you use Windows.

Creating a Dedicated Server (for Windows)

First, make a copy of your Blockland shortcut. Then right click on the new copy of the shortcut and go to Properties. Click the Shortcut tab.

The target field will look something like this:
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Blockland\BlocklandLauncher.exe"
To make this launch a dedicated server, add the -dedicated parameter to the end. It should now look like this:
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Blockland\BlocklandLauncher.exe" -dedicatedYou can now launch the server using that shortcut, but I recommend that you read below first.

(Optional) If you wish to start a specific game mode, add the -gamemode Name_of_GameMode parameter to the end of the target. If you don't do this, the server will default to the standard/custom mode. (which allows you to set your own add-ons and customize everything)

(Optional, but recommended) Set your dedicated server to use its own directory. (if you don't do this, it will use your current BL directory) Add this parameter to the end of your shortcut's target: -profilePath "C:\path\to\server folder"

Setting Up Your Server

Before you perform these steps, you should start your server at least once and then close it - doing so will create the pref files for you to edit. Note, these steps should be performed while the server is closed.

To change server settings, open the file called "prefs.cs" in the "config/server" folder.

To change which add-ons are enabled, open the file called "ADD_ON_LIST.cs" in the "config/server" folder. A 1 next to an add-on indicates it is enabled while a -1 indicates it is disabled.

To install new add-ons, simply place them in the add-ons folder.

Shutting Down Your Server

This might seem trivial, but most people don't know how to do this properly.

To shut down your server, enter quit(); in the server console.