Author Topic: Cat fleas?  (Read 833 times)

Hey guys, so my cat has fleas.

I first noticed little black dots on my cat's neck and he was scratching himself excessively. I tried to pick out the "dirt", but I didn't get much out without ripping clumps of hair out. I went to WalMart and bought a flea comb, and when I combed the problem area, there was so much black stuff that the beige comb had black teeth by the time I was done. I looked closer, and there were 4-5 live fleas!

I had also bought some cat shampoo and I just got done giving my cat a bath, he's licking himself now.

What can I do to get rid of the fleas around the house? I know I got rid of the fleas on him, but there are always more.

Get some flea spray and spray down furniture.
Worse comes worse you may have to bomb your house (theres some gas things you can get that when activated will fill your home with a deadly gas, do not be in your home when it happens)

Cats= Toxoplasmosis
Fleas suck blood
Fleas + Cat= Toxoplasmosis Fleas
(Yes, I know it's an intestinal parasite)

Just sayin', might wanna be careful around your cat.

Cats= Toxoplasmosis
Fleas suck blood
Fleas + Cat= Toxoplasmosis Fleas
(Yes, I know it's an intestinal parasite)

Just sayin', might wanna be careful around your cat.

sorry but no

(Yes, I know it's an intestinal parasite)

This was a joke:
Cats= Toxoplasmosis
Fleas suck blood
Fleas + Cat= Toxoplasmosis Fleas

wash everything
your sheets, blankets, etc
make sure you vacuum alot
Get some flea spray and spray down furniture.
Worse comes worse you may have to bomb your house (theres some gas things you can get that when activated will fill your home with a deadly gas, do not be in your home when it happens)

Get some flea spray and spray down furniture.
Worse comes worse you may have to bomb your house (theres some gas things you can get that when activated will fill your home with a deadly gas, do not be in your home when it happens)

Yeah, one time a Flea Bomb went off in my house, it turns out I was sleeping when it happened, when I woke up, my eyes were killing me.

get some of the flea-killing hartz spray and spray every square inch of flooring in your home. That was the only way we were able to get rid of the fleas our cat had.

Also, use treatment on your cat to kill any fleas hanging out on it or that might want to hop back on. the right treatment should protect the cat from further infestation.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 07:08:22 PM by ResonKinetic »

sell your cat to the koreans