Author Topic: conditioning for football started today  (Read 980 times)

that is indeed how it works


and added extra stuff too

you also admitted to doing multiple minors

you also admitted to doing multiple minors

A minor is a type of Self Delete drill, that's what it's called.

i probably made a bunch of mistakes cuz i did write all that info off memory and wasn't paying attention to grammar and stuff

but thats the name of the drill and I guess we "ran minors" but doing them is the same thing lol even if it sounds wrong

one of the things that i enjoyed about being in public school was there was this one p handsome guy who was on the football team as well as track & field and he'd always talk to me about all his sore muscles from weight lifting. little did he know he was just revealing his weak points so i'd know where to punch him if he tried to flirt with me and swipe my pen or pencil.

good on you for not being an unathletic dork op
ive had football practice since football ended. mostly it was just weight room, but lately we've been having more conditioning. also are 7 on 7's started, so we've started position workouts for skill players.

anyone else have/had any 7on7's over summer? we killed it at our last one

you also admitted to doing multiple minors

like you haven't >:(

one of the things that i enjoyed about being in public school was there was this handsome guy dude
Did someone say my name?

I do track and track only. I've always been terrible at directly competitive sports (basketball, football) where you're actively blocking them and stuff. I'm terrible at physical cooperation, my HEARING is bad (for hearing commands) and my hand-eye coordination is stuff except for typing. I can run pretty damn fast though.

Pretty much describes me here.

My workout currently is a 3 day upper/lower split (Its sorta 3 days)

A - Upper
B- Lower

Mon: A followed by HIIT
Tues: Core followed by longer run
Wed: B; HIIT
Thurs: Core; long run
Friday: A; HIIT
Sat: Core; Something fun (Swimming, biking)
Sun: Rest

Then the next week switches B A B

Anyways, for wrestling the worst thing is when we do circuits or just general conditioning and our coach makes us do a certain number of reps perfectly. Its hard when you have chubby 7th graders :/
Oh and weighted jump ropes *shudders

one of the things that i enjoyed about being in public school was there was this one p handsome guy who was on the football team as well as track & field and he'd always talk to me about all his sore muscles from weight lifting. little did he know he was just revealing his weak points so i'd know where to punch him if he tried to flirt with me and swipe my pen or pencil.

Never will understand.
