Author Topic: Any good at ModTer bricks? If you are look here!  (Read 518 times)

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I always use this add on with modter (
It allows you to plant floating bricks, just remember not to ctrl z/undo. Use the delete wand instead, or it will chain kill your floating bricks. If you accidently place another brick inside of another, you can re-join the server and it will disappear.

I always use this add on with modter (
It allows you to plant floating bricks, just remember not to ctrl z/undo. Use the delete wand instead, or it will chain kill your floating bricks. If you accidently place another brick inside of another, you can re-join the server and it will disappear.

Sometimes people may intend to use one ModTer inside of another to give more colors...?

Sometimes people may intend to use one ModTer inside of another to give more colors...?

Planting one modter in another (or any brick that can't normally be placed in another) doesn't work with this mod. The implanted bricks are visible but they can't have collision, they don't save, they're only visible to players who were on the server when it was planted, and they go away (from your perspective) if you rejoin the server.

The only real use of the mod is to make floating bricks