Author Topic: Idea: Have topics never get old in the development board.  (Read 1058 times)

Pretty much that. Right now you can't post anywhere at all in development so you can't discuss anything regarding it.

Hopefully badspot does this.

Badspot manually locked most of those.

Badspot manually locked most of those.
There's some not locked, yet they're too old.

Would they be stickied? Otherwise they'd be bumped and everything would be in the wrong order.

Shows how much time Badspot spends in the development board :cookieMonster:

Kidding. He probably just doesn't know about it yet.

Would they be stickied? Otherwise they'd be bumped and everything would be in the wrong order.

they are arranged by name instead of last activity, so old topics being actively posted wouldn't come up anyways

they are arranged by name instead of last activity, so old topics being actively posted wouldn't come up anyways

Shows how much time Badspot spends in the development board :cookieMonster:
shots fired

Shows how much time Badspot spends in the development board :cookieMonster:

Kidding. He probably just doesn't know about it yet.

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