Author Topic: Binaural Pineapple Relaxation  (Read 593 times)

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 11:37:48 PM by McZealot »

I was skipping through the video, and I came across a bit where the pineapple was in a giant condom (or it could have been a plastic bag).


"oh no this is for me, its snack time"

what is this? what is asmr?

what is this? what is asmr?
people find random sounds (ex. water pouring) really sensational.
so they make videos.

what is this? what is asmr?
Some people (like me) get a kind of tingling feeling in certain places (spine, back of head, chest etc) based on certain input like sound.

this is really relaxing. and soothing. stuff man i like it

i can't help but laugh when he starts eating cheetos
this loving video

why do I not get tingles during ASMR but I do when listening to fast music
is it for certain people or am I just 'listening to it wrong'

who the forget gets relaxed by this? neckbeards thats who

why do I not get tingles during ASMR but I do when listening to fast music
is it for certain people or am I just 'listening to it wrong'
Because everybody is a special little snowflake and they all need to be treated specially.

srs tho, everyone has different things that affect them.

im getting so many tingles

i just watched a guy play with a pineapple for 35 minutes... what the hell am i doing with my life

am I literally the only one here who thinks this sorta stuff is creepy as stuff

am I literally the only one here who thinks this sorta stuff is creepy as stuff
I think it's kinda creepy too, but I can't help it. The tingles are too good...