Author Topic: Cow Clan (Recruiting Members)  (Read 1505 times)

3 Members and Recruiting!
Allied with Doughclan!

What is Cow Clan?
Cow Clan was created by Moosh and BloxxerDood. We strive to bring more steak and beef to those who need it most.

What do we do?
We create a variety of Builds, Addons, Videos and other things for our own pleasure. Most of these are not distributed.

How do I join?
Fill out this application form and reply.
Blockland Username:
Why you think you should join:
A picture of you riding a cow:

Scar. Z [BLID: 31093]
0 Mods
Mooshimity [BLID: 44894]
BloxxerDood [BLID: 44895]

Thankyou all for your time! Please consider joining, and post any suggestions below!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 06:12:13 AM by Moosh »

Fill out this application form and reply.
Blockland Username: Scar. Z
BLID: IGN is 31093
Why you think you should join: i want see cow researchn
A picture of you riding a cow:

my cow is so beautiful

am i in
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 04:28:56 PM by Damp »

Doughclan requests to be allies.

Doughclan requests to be allies.
We put the beef in your buns.

We put the beef in your buns.
dont say beef or you will offend bacon pancakes!!!