Author Topic: Agusta AW139 Helicopter  (Read 1010 times)

I'm really interested in aviation, and I noticed the lack of helicopters in blockland. I'm looking for an AW109 add on that has similar physics to Gravity Cat's UH-1. This would be absolutely AMAZING. Thanks.

 P.S. Here's a link to the wiki of the Agusta AW109

I know it's a tall order out of just a simple request, but it would be great. You could also make the AW169 which is (I think) a smaller variant of the AW139.

I would if i could model well enough/model vehicles. Before i advance in modeling, i need to get my stuff together and actually get coding down. There's a lot of hoops i have to cross to actually start making half-decent add-ons

Okay, stay in touch maybe we could make it happen.

Please don't bump the same topic 20 times a day. Or if it's still on the front page for that matter.

Please don't bump the same topic 20 times a day. Or if it's still on the front page for that matter.

I bumped it twice....

I had stopped at two, that's still got 18 more until 20.