Author Topic: Considering starting a server advertising service  (Read 265 times)


I don't do much gfx, but I want to make some money promoting other people's servers. Kind of like a sponsor. I know this doesn't belong here, but I need some instant feedback on the idea.

I also need some general ideas on how I should price things. I also need ideas on where I could put said adverts, or how I could get the message to other people that the servers that I advertise for are awesome.

I was thinking like something by way of video review, or stuff like that or maybe even starting a show and run their adverts in my show.

If you are interested in helping me start something like this up, tell me in this thread, otherwise just leave your feedback/collaborate.

The best way to get people to join servers is to populate that server, SOOO you'd need to rope a few friends into your business to help you populate.
Now the problem is that only stupid people with a lot of money would pay to get their server popular.

people would pay for your service for a few days until they got popular. then they would quit you and use the player count to advertise for their server