Author Topic: I think I'm depressed *Miny wall of text*  (Read 656 times)

Recently I started my sophomore year of high school, and I'm currently 15 years old. My work load this year is extremely stressful, but I have a nice group of friends and a large family. But recently, I noticed that I'm feeling strange. I can't put the feeling into words.

I feel like I'm always bored. I rarely find anything entertaining anymore. Right now, my life is extremely repetitive; go to school, come home, eat, do hours of homework, have maybe an hour of free time, then go to sleep. I've found it increasingly common that I'm forcing myself to do things that I used to enjoy doing. On the weekends I can barely even find a reason to get out of bed. And it's impossible to find something productive or fun to do. I'm definitely not suicidal, but I'm just not sure how I can help myself when i'm not even sure what I'm feeling.

Maybe some of you have experienced this same feeling and that's why I'm posting this. If you have, then please give me some advice. if you haven't but still want to try and help, then feel free to do so, just try not to be an ass. Maybe this is a common phase to go through or something, anyways, thanks.

I'll add to the post if I find the right words for this.

I have the same feeling, except I'm a freshmen. Sometimes i wonder to my self how I'm going to adapt to the high-school environment, I very do feel weird about having to take 3-4 more years at the same school and waking up 5 am in the morning every day; but if others can do it, we can bud.

everyones life is repetitive

does your school have counselors? talk to one

find something you love to do, it might be Band, or chess, or Art and do it among friends
appreciate nature, look at a tree leaf and think about how much went into it
find a friend and talk about it or this
does your school have counselors? talk to one

You gotta find something to entertain you man. Go buy a new game and play the stuff out of it on the weekend

everyones life is repetitive

yeah no kidding. there is nothing unusual about a tedious day to day boring life. thats how its supposed to be.
thats why we want friends and hobbies.

it seems a lot of youth depression is based on them coming of age and not knowing this is the expectation. like they were told otherwise and they think now life is unfair. when its really very fair lol.

it seems a lot of youth depression is based on them coming of age and not knowing this is the expectation. like they were told otherwise and they think now life is unfair. when its really very fair lol.
That or young people who just happen to have mental problems because of genetics or some other factor. OP's problem sounds like he's just adjusting to a new environment though. Nothing pathological.

Op needs a friend, i need one to

call me :D

you have to break up the routine
1. do extracurriculars
2. learn to do homework really quickly (but not crappily)
3. be productive on occasion
4. if you don't feel like getting up just do something to distract yourself. exercise is a good way to remotivate yourself.

or you might be depressed. wait it out a bit, if it persists tell your parentss

we are all get depressed thanks to genetics. thats how we work.
life isnt perfect, and we react to such imperfection. its a normal healthy reaction, that is supposed to motivate us to try something different.

to not be depressed ever is quite frightening. that may be a legitimately insane person.

the scary thing is, everyone now is just taught that depression is horrible and means something is horribly wrong with you, go gets some pill$.

we are all get depressed thanks to genetics. thats how we work.
life isnt perfect, and we react to such imperfection. its a normal healthy reaction, that is supposed to motivate us to try something different.

to not be depressed ever is quite frightening. that may be a legitimately insane person.

the scary thing is, everyone now is just taught that depression is horrible and means something is horribly wrong with you, go gets some pill$.
well there's being sad and there's depression. depression is a clinical condition, being sad is not.

well there's being sad and there's depression. depression is a clinical condition, being sad is not.

no depression is normal.

there is depression, then for the legal sake of a title of "disease" because that is the qualifications to sell drugs for something, you give it a new name. "manic depression" "bi polar" "unipolar" "clinical" "MDD"

stuff EVERYONE in ANY mental state can walk into ANY clinic right now and be diagnosed and given instant drugs for.
thats the lie that goes on

no depression is normal.

there is depression, then for the legal sake of a title of "disease" because that is the qualifications to sell drugs for something, you give it a new name. "manic depression" "bi polar" "unipolar" "clinical" "MDD"

stuff EVERYONE in ANY mental state can walk into ANY clinic right now and be diagnosed and given instant drugs for.
thats the lie that goes on
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