Author Topic: some1 prank called me today  (Read 732 times)


so i got a prank call 6 minutes ago
it was from 602-4**-3*** (a local number)
before i looked at the number i assumed it was from maroon and buttbuddies so i asked "is this bluecacti" and i got the answer "no i'm mickey mouse!" in a mickey voice
then they proceeded to entertain me and then told me to say internet memes i used to reiterate as a freshman
so i think my friends from school did it but i never got to find out who's calling

why didn't you just hang up

so how's your love life?

cause it was fun to listen
You're tearing me apart, Lisa ßlöükfáce!.

one time i will answer the phone and say 911 state your emergency

You're tearing me apart, Lisa ßlöükfáce!.

one time i will answer the phone and say 911 state your emergency
Denny Blockaium, two is great, but three is a crowd.

gaaah whats the reference this is killing me

Denny Blockaium, two is great, but three is a crowd.
I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullstuff! I did not hit her!
[throws water bottle]
I did NAWWT. Oh hi, Mark McJobless.

what do you want me to say that answering the door?

what do you want me to say that answering the door?
Hey, everybody! I have an announcement to make. We're expecting!