Author Topic: how to fix my open window tabbing out?  (Read 414 times)

im on win 8.1

while im doing something, the window im on (i.e. TF2 or chrome) will act as if i clicked out. the top bar will go grey, i stop shooting my gun, i cant move, etc. how do i fix.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 10:52:14 PM by PurpleSir »

This is far too ambiguous for anyone to help you with. Stop.

get a water jet or hire me and cut your tab button off like i did with your dad last night :)

i have the same exact thing wtf
im on win7

i have no idea what you're talking about

This happens on my moms laptop (win 7)

idk why.

what op is trying to say:

when I am using my internet browser or playing video games. The active window I am using will randomly turn inactive even though I never switched windows and nothing pops up as an active window.

there really isnt a better way to explain it