Author Topic: BlackWatch BL_ID:6737 Pissy attitude and a banhammer to express it  (Read 5386 times)

If i cut off any chat, it wasn't intentionally**

Bass, i didn't say Smooth was innocent
Then why were you defending him?

Also, i didn't intentionally cut off any screenshots.

Yeah, riiiight.
This is everything that happened from when Blackwatch asked Smooth why does he have 50k bricks to me getting banned.
Then why did Cape say, "You don't forget with blackwatch."
This is leading me to believe that you did something to upset him.

Bass, please. You are assuming i cut off some chat while i didn't. You are assuming something addressed to Blackwatch to impress him somehow was addressed to me. I'm not defending Smooth, i'm defending myself. You are busting in here making accusations without any reason to. Now please stop assuming and actually make sure you have the full picture before accusing someone

in this thread: dannu damage control central

in this thread: dannu damage control central
Just some people who can't read context and want to stir up that sweet gum

Okay, you clearly left off too much information, I have no clue what the forget is going on between Screenshot 2-4

i cut off some chat while i didn't
You very much did, don't lie to me.
Now please stop assuming and actually make sure you have the full picture before accusing someone

Dannu, come on, you clearly did something to piss of Blackwatch
and if he was pissed off, then you could have avoided this entire situation by not saying anything to him, it's that simple.

No... That's all of it, no info inbetween. This is why i didn't make this under stupid bans and kicks. He didn't bother to investigate and banned me because i knew him.

You, Smooth, and another player joined my server. Smooth spam-dupped part of the map, nearly crashing the server. He said he "didn't know he did it" which is complete and utter bullstuff. He was instantly perma'd. His partner was perma'd also. YOU also were perma'd due to conspiracy of working with Smooth and the other player. Your post here says you were in a "trolly mood", which basically confirms my suspicions. You three were working together. You didn't read the rules, and you guys attempted to crash my server for no reason at all. I've dealt with way too much vandalism/crash attempts on my server, so when I believe someone is attempting to do so, my admins and I crush down on it with full force.

You, Smooth, and another player joined my server. Smooth spam-dupped part of the map, nearly crashing the server. He said he "didn't know he did it" which is complete and utter bullstuff. He was instantly perma'd. His partner was perma'd also. YOU also were perma'd due to conspiracy of working with Smooth and the other player. Your post here says you were in a "trolly mood", which basically confirms my suspicions. You three were working together. You didn't read the rules, and you guys attempted to crash my server for no reason at all. I've dealt with way too much vandalism/crash attempts on my server, so when I believe someone is attempting to do so, my admins and I crush down on it with full force.
don't worry about it to much
whenever dannu gets rightfully banned from a server he makes a drama about it

Someone else was banned? Also, and obviously i won't keep trying to convince you since you seem to have made up your mind, i can promise on the hearts of my family if i must, i didn't do, or conspire to do anything to you or your server

Your post here says you were in a "trolly mood", which basically confirms my suspicions. You three were working together. You didn't read the rules, and you guys attempted to crash my server for no reason at all.

Did you read the part where dannu said he was out of it? did you read where he stated that he was upset when smooth tried to crash the server? nice selective reading.

Did you read the part where dannu said he was out of it? did you read where he stated that he was upset when smooth tried to crash the server? nice selective reading.

You are believing him over what am I am saying, what makes his words more creditable than mine? He did not express in my server that he was "out of it" or "upset that smooth tried to crash the server". I didn't see anything like that at all, and I banned accordingly. I deal with lots of people like this on my server, trying to crash the server or spam it out. I basically do what I have to do to protect my server and people's builds on the server. I will talk to my admins and see about getting Dannu un-banned, the other two though? They will not be un-banned, no argument there.

Like i said, i won't try to make an appeal, since i realized with the limited time of knowing you, you will have it your way anyways. But a few tips: Keep Smooth banned, un-ban whoever the third person is unless his name is Paul