Author Topic: Platformer View  (Read 394 times)

Basically, what I need is a playertype that would be similar to what you'd see in Mario, Cave story, etc.

Some ideas on how this could work:
1. The Player would not be able to look side to side, only up and down.
2. The Player would move left with A, right with D.
3. The Player would change direction with A and D.
4. The Camera would be adjustable. Like, a Playertype with '2D_Shortview' and '2D_Longview'

Thanks c:

I requested something like this and i got flamed with statements saying "make iut urself huurduurr" so you're probably not gonna have much luck with this.

I requested something like this and i got flamed with statements saying "make iut urself huurduurr" so you're probably not gonna have much luck with this.
Well, we can hope.

Found it on the RTB Archives, Event_2D