Author Topic: Tier + Tactical Ammo Help  (Read 1089 times)

Hey guys, I'm having some difficulties with Tier+Tactical.

The problem is that some most guns have 0 ammo, then shooting bullets and going into the negatives - completely ignoring all clip logic -

Some weapons don't even fire any bullets.

Very few work like they are supposed to.

This has happened, even after I re-installed T+T from the forum post and tried out ammo systems 0 and 1.

I also use Frog's T+T  addition. The same problem happens with those guns, too.

Can anyone help me?

This is something that can't be fixed in Tier+Tactical. That's why nobody hardly uses them anymore. Besides, some people have already fixed this in their own weapon packs, first one coming to mind is the Hell and Khain pack by Rykuta.

It's always worked for me though.
Post a console.log maybe? I'm not a guy who's experienced in that sort of thing, but it can't hurt.

I had this problem a while ago. But heres a tip: Look from one of the add-on archives and search for Emote_Critical (it might have been emitter). Without this most of the weapons in T+T won't work. Put the emote in add-ons and enable it ingame. This should work

I had this problem a while ago. But heres a tip: Look from one of the add-on archives and search for Emote_Critical (it might have been emitter). Without this most of the weapons in T+T won't work. Put the emote in add-ons and enable it ingame. This should work

This didn't work.

It's always worked for me though.
Post a console.log maybe? I'm not a guy who's experienced in that sort of thing, but it can't hurt.

I'm too lazy.

This is something that can't be fixed in Tier+Tactical. That's why nobody hardly uses them anymore. Besides, some people have already fixed this in their own weapon packs, first one coming to mind is the Hell and Khain pack by Rykuta.

Could you link some recommended packs?

I'm too lazy.
If you're not even going to allow people to help you, why did you make this thread?