Author Topic: server crashed by a random player joining.  (Read 1923 times)

Yeah! And then the hackers will find a way around it in a few days!
All of the people doing the crashing are just a bunch of skiddie trolls that would be completely screwed if this was patched as they have no idea how to develop their own hacks or probably even code.

when do we get a list of players that crashed the servers?

when do we get a list of players that crashed the servers?
Someday in 2015

when do we get a list of players that crashed the servers?
All you need to do is take the detection program someone made and posted in general discussion (the one that auto bans them), and add in some extra code to send their BLID to an online list everyone can access.  Furthermore, you could have an add-on available for people that checks against that list and bans them on sight (So that even if they turn the hack off, they are still banned for being a known crasher).  I've got a system like that, but it's a blacklist for all kinds of offenses, not just crashing.