Author Topic: 15,000 posts  (Read 1924 times)

wtf i signed up in late 2012 too but i only have 4500 posts
nonnel wtf


Petition for nonnel to change avatar back to "SUITS :D"

nonnel is not the same nonnel we know and love without suits avatar

i didnt think me and my brother showing you this game would lead to you actually becoming involved in this community
yes i know him irl B)

and wasting this much time, go outside


nonnel is not the same nonnel we know and love without suits avatar
fine I'll change it back soon :'(

yes i know him irl B)
get the entire state of minnesota over here so i can do that

get the entire state of minnesota over here so i can do that
We like it where it is.

We like it where it is.
well that's just too bad, my needs are more important

Wow. And to think this is my 911th post

well that's just too bad, my needs are more important
your needs or your memes

I went to Minnesota this year and I was afraid to run into anyone from here