Author Topic: TB2 - Posting screamers on forum-forum Self Delete  (Read 5219 times)

Weirdly enough, I know absolutely nothing about this guy other than "he exists." Why does he apparently have such a bad reputation?
i think he made a bunch of stupid dramas a while back, and they're any indication of how he acts in game he hasn't been too great
he's also said he's suiciding because he was getting banned on sight, so i guess he's planning on getting a new identity. though i don't know why he's doing it on the forums because the problems sound like they're all in game

That makes a little more sense. Oh well, rip in peace, guy.

TB2 I actually think badspot is holding off on banning you just to see how much of an effort you are willing to make before you give up on trying to get banned.

Actually he just hasn't been online for a few hours. Badspot doesn't really do those kinds of things.

Well whether or not Badspot is or isn't its still amusing to watch all the stuff TB2 is doing to get banned.

Badspot's on and started cleaning, so GG I guess.