Author Topic: [OFFLINE] TARDIS Build - Make your own flying, bigger on the inside TARDIS!  (Read 4514 times)

Oh, and can we talk about this "script", what actually are you on about? It sounds like you just learned how to use setPlayerTransform, you say it is exclusive to your server. Did you make it, what does it do?

The TARDIS itself is a vehicle, then you parent the vehicle to a position so when you click the vehicle you can teleport "inside." You build your own interior for it. There's also a way to control the vehicle from "inside" it.

Belongs in gallery, and this is not a build.

What is the point of having a script if you have teledoors.

I can imagine he is 9
Its a server dedicated to building tardises, who would want to do that over and over again?
You're acting like you're loving 9.

Perhaps I need to be more clear -- I didn't really tell you anything with that post, lol.
The player spawns a vehicle -- usually the TARDIS vehicle(that part is not mine, see the post 2 above me)
Next, the player finds an unreachable spot in the staticmap--usually underground, and builds the interior of their TARDIS. Then they event a door Player > TARDIS_Exit. Then they stand at the door and type /savePosition, then find the vehicle spawn, type /linkTardis and click it. After that, all vehicles on the spawn will teleport you to their interior when clicked, and teleport you back outside when the door is clicked. I also have TARDIS_Cam and TARDIS_Control which are pretty self-explanitory, one lets you see the TARDIS exterior from an orbit cam, the other lets you control the TARDIS, and when you quit controlling it, it puts you back where you where.
Contrary to Thor's post, you can move/fly the tardis wherever you want and it will work fine with teleportation, even if moved after entering.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 09:38:10 PM by superdupercoolguy »

...So you are just using [set player transform]?

No, I'm using setTransform... in a script. Not an event.
regardless it's my first script. And things in blockland can't be truly bigger on the inside.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 09:43:42 PM by superdupercoolguy »

There is no need to build a tardis on this server, it can be fun for dr who fans to meet other fans, but they don't need to build one there.
Yeah, forget anyone for doing what simon said on a simon says server, or killing people on a deathmatch, because clearly there is no need to do it there.

Servers aren't here to force you into joining.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 10:30:59 PM by Blake1 »

I can see why Badspot added insult to injury by changing editing the whole three posts.

b4 it dies
will open as soon as I absolutely finish the TARDIS mod. I'm currently working on:
Materialization(aka teleporting) - [25%] I have the core functionality of adding, removing, and going to places but need to get the animation down.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 04:40:35 PM by superdupercoolguy »

i know hes banned but if you see this you need to chill the forget out jesus christ

Belongs in gallery, and this is not a build.

What is the point of having a script if you have teledoors.

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I can imagine he is 9

User was banned for this post
There is no need to build a tardis on this server, it can be fun for dr who fans to meet other fans, but they don't need to build one there.

The server would die very fast considering that only 150 players play blockland often and once they all build a tardis there, nobody would join it anymore.

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three times wow