Author Topic: I think my substitute art teacher was fired yesterday. [I hope you like reading]  (Read 635 times)

Starting with the back story:

My original art teacher who uses the room left on maternity leave in September. She had a substitute (an art teacher from Memphis, probably in his 30s) lined up to cover the remainder of the semester. He came in as soon as she left, had us finish the tattoo project we were working on, and started us with making piñatas.

Throughout that entire project (lasted about a month, and I still never got mine done), he was rather unhelpful with everyone. He'd just sit at his computer silently or walk around the room making condescending remarks about the projects belonging to choice kids that he didn't like (usually the kids who missed school, were noisy, or made lazy designs such as basic geometric shapes).

The reason my project was never finished appeared to be his fault. I needed yellow tissue paper and black tissue paper (the only colors I needed for my project) but the supplies eventually dwindled and ran out. When the black was getting low, I went and informed him about it and he replied with, "Yeah I know. I'll have to pick up more tomorrow." I would then work with my yellow portions. Tomorrow came, he says he forgot. Next day, he said, "Michael's [arts and crafts store] didn't have it." After almost a week of that repeating, the yellow ran out. I told him that I literally could not work on my project at all until I had either yellow or black paper. Next day, no yellow or black. I just had to sit for an hour and do nothing.

The next day, I was at school and was walking to the art room. Two people in my class were at the door because the room was shut and locked with the lights off. The second bell rang meaning that everyone at school has five minutes to be in class. Still waiting. Everyone in my class eventually arrived at the room which remained locked. The final bell rang and the hallway was completely empty except for the big clump of kids who couldn't get in. The teacher in the adjoining room went through her room and to a door that connected her room to my room and unlocked the door from the inside so we could get in. A lady i didnt know came in and said that she had gotten word that we needed several colors of paper. She took orders (including mine) and left. After an hour of sitting and doing nothing (still no paper I can use), he finally shows up saying, "My alarm didn't go off and I was tired because I had to load trucks yesterday." M'kay.

The day after that, that woman who took the paper orders came through the door with armloads spilling over with tissue paper (yellow and black included), more than enough to finish my project. After she left, my substitute announced that the deadline was in two days. I was so far behind that I could never make the due date, and I didn't. I ended up with an 80% on the project because it was incomplete.

The day after piñatas were "done" (only two people in my class managed to finish, only because they took their projects home as homework almost every day), he started us on the next thing, where we had to cover a 16"x16" piece of white cardboard using glue and colored string to make pictorial representations of an important life event. He then said we had one week (aka ~4 hours class time, most of which is taken up by opening announcements and lecture/demonstration) to finish and turn in the whole thing. Everyone at my table was totally pissed and we all realized we could never finish by then. The due date was yesterday (Tuesday). On Monday, I was probably about 15% done, and ahead of almost everyone.

Yesterday came. I walked into the room and a different person was at the desk. He was just a friendly middle aged man (who likes corvettes lol) and was wearing the substitute placard around his neck, so I just figured that the usual guy I'd been dealing with was sick. I got my stuff out to begin working and the teacher in the adjoining room came in. She informed us that the previous art teacher would no longer be teaching this class. When she was asked why, she just replied with, "He just has other things to do."

I remember smiling and having to cover my face so no one would notice. With the way her tone sounded and his sketchy behavior, I think it's pretty reasonable to think he got fired.

Good, those kinds of teachers are the ones who deserve to be fired for being too god damn lazy such as my drivers ed teacher that students hated him because A. Sat at his desk on his phone B. Gave the class busy work for the 9 weeks C. Gave us tests without study guides and the day it would be on

he sounds like a horrible teacher, so I'd imagine that's what happened

reminds me of my substitute art teacher, she didnt really help at all and when we were doing this one project about the food industry and how animals were killed and stuff (great art unit I know)

and basically we drew something that shows our opinion on the food industry, everyone but one kid said they disliked it, and that one kid said he was fine with it, did a really nice art piece for it, and got a super low mark just because of his opinion.

reminds me of my substitute art teacher, she didnt really help at all and when we were doing this one project about the food industry and how animals were killed and stuff (great art unit I know)

and basically we drew something that shows our opinion on the food industry, everyone but one kid said they disliked it, and that one kid said he was fine with it, did a really nice art piece for it, and got a super low mark just because of his opinion.
So that kid found his inspiration and was crapped on for it?


One of the two people who finished their piñatas entirely only got a 70 on it. It looked nice and colorful. Although it was cubic in shape (making for easy construction), there were complicated designs all over it, yet she got a lower mark than I did.

The deadline for the current project was also drastically extended by the teacher in the adjoining room (she is best friends with the real teacher who is gone until next semester), so I'm thankful for that.

My art teachers always loved me and I was like kid numero uno in those classes. They were pretty helpful too, so everything was productive. :^)

why become a teacher if you hate children

it's definitely not for the money

why become a teacher if you hate children

it's definitely not for the money
some schools and areas it actually is

(an art teacher from Memphis, probably in his 30s)

As someone who lives just an hour away from memphis, I can confirm that teachers in this area are starfishs.