Author Topic: Made a Game Grumps Animated  (Read 1736 times)

Thought I'd share it with you lovely bunch.

Spent most of this evening making it (not incredibly hard given it was only 30 seconds of audio), thought it turned out pretty good. It came from their Sonic Boom playthrough's first episode.

Not sure why max resolution is only 480p, but it doesn't make it hard to see what's in the video, so I'll worry about that next time I render something.

i like it

get ready for 20,000 views

i like it

get ready for 20,000 views

Pssh, 20,000?

Those are chump views compared to my master chief piece.

i just meant GG animated always get like a median of 20k views

I know lol. 

I'm hoping it garner's more traffic toward my movie reviews (that I annotated at the end lol).

I know lol. 

I'm hoping it garner's more traffic toward my movie reviews (that I annotated at the end lol).
oh sorry i didn't load the pic

that really was your magnum opus, i dunno what you're tryin to prove with these here movin picture reviews, YA DONE!

Pssh, 20,000?

[im g][/img]

Those are chump views compared to my master chief piece.


link to said video that badger remembers