Author Topic: BL_ID 43740 & BL_ID 47742 - General pains in the neck Owen's City RPG  (Read 1561 times)

I am going to make this clean and short. They're trolls and pains in the neck.

In summary. They're trolls and a pain in the neck.
Key witnesses being everyone in the server such as Slushie who was attacked/bashed by them.
and more.

Oh btw, sorry about the page stretch.

Being there I can confirm this.

Why isn't there a single admin on there?

Why isn't there a single admin on there?
I think there are only two who might be currently sleeping right now

monday cunt destroyer has left the game

He had some pretty crazy usernames he also accused me of stealing his name

Someone is impersonating Slushie (Alluxion)

True Johnny, Aluxion, then Slushie... but my very very old name was LaserPeak which I had when I was like 10

I was there. I can confirm that those 2 are problem users, defacing the atmosphere in the server.
One is also guilty of imitating the host (under the name Owens). I don't have screenshots for that though.
