Author Topic: FreddieBlockMan's Military RP/Killer Mystery  (Read 1185 times)

So I was bored, nothing to play really, and decided to go onto this server, which happened to actually not be a military RP and rather more of an Un-fair deathmatch. All the pictures are here.

And at about, I think the 5th-12th picture, he changed the title to "killer mystery"

At the end of all of it, I got banned permanently for the reason "no spawnkilling" because you know, not like he was spawnkilling!

And remember: He said "kill all unarmed" So why didn't he kill his friends who were unarmed?

Noedit: The ban reason was "no spawn kill" not "No spawnkilling"


you also kind of re-uploaded the same images


you also kind of re-uploaded the same images
Yeah I accidentally copied and pasted them in the folder and might've missed some that I was meant to delete.


Usually, anything with "RP" in the title is a red flag.

not always
Some RPs that do something different are usually pretty gud.