Author Topic: [WIP] BuildTree - The index of ideas  (Read 675 times)

Ever wondered "What should I build" or "What should I build here"? This index of ideas is meant to answer those questions, approximatively.

As this is a WIP topic, for now, and treat it as such, do not expect any significance or actual help provided by this just yet.

The main idea is to have "Tree", "Bushes" and "Leaf" cards; (Please disregard the... disregarding of biology)
A tree would be a major location, for instance a Residential district, a Town itself, a Military compound etc.
A bush would be one of the subsections located in a "Tree" that can be divided even more. These would appear next to the idea. A bush idea can have an additional bush for even more content, but not cherry-picking enough into style and room design to classify as a leaf.
A leaf would be a independent subsection that can be applied to physically any one of the ideas. For example, a house's bush would be different housing types. Meanwhile, a house's leaf would be the rooms. And afterwards, the leaf of a room can be the furniture that would be suitable for the room. There isn't much more to go to afterwards as limited by the Bricks available, but even a "Chair" can have a leaf into multiple chair types.
Nonetheless, this absurd classification is currently lacking the most basic idea of how to function - how am I supposed to illustrate those ideas into a readable format?

I have initially decided of a catalogue into a .pdf format with lists and images, I have stopped at this design and after that gave up, as it would be highly impractical, and would be even more difficult to manage than what's coming next:

And now, I have come with the ideas of cards. Which would technically be great - each card can be in image form and easy to share around. The biggest issue is how difficult it would be to manage and organize.
Nonetheless, this is what I have so far as a basic principle of doing things:

Please disregard the content font - I intend to change that anyway.
However, the biggest issue of illustrating ideas in this form is the amount of ideas I can put in and how to arrange them in a coherent fashion. I have sort of "hacked" through the concept by adding the second column and extending the header. That's sort of fine, but even that is not enough as you can see. Extending can be endless, but at one point it would look kind of silly, not to mention that this method additionally makes listing a bunch of cards in a webpage quite difficult, and also it makes adding ideas difficult as well, and rather limiting.
What do you think of this whole thing? Should I keep going with it? Got any ideas of how this could work properly with the cards?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 05:10:46 PM by LeetZero »

I really like it, because sometimes you need extra input on what should be added within a build and I see this as something that can help.

What do you think of this whole thing?
It looks great, I hope this can help me if I ever run out of ideas...
Seriously, I run out of ideas alot...
Should I keep going with it?
Got any ideas of how this could work properly with the cards?
Not at the moment, no.

I just realized I unintentionally made a pun.

At first I thought this was about a server for building trees.

Great idea anyway.

very hot, hope people will understand the use of this!

Leaf card:

I initially wanted to make the leaf shape curved but I think this has a nicer aesthetic to the theme.

Also site is online. Click the logo to go to it. It's nothing in it at this point really but it shows how everything is supposed to work (sort of). Basically you'll have only the header of the cards and if you click one you'd be leaden to the card. I'd also be using some jquery inline display for images so you won't be opening them in new tabs if you want to browse the cards. This will allow me to freeform the cards amount of items. The main idea was to directly display each card - however that's simply not going to work.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 05:55:53 PM by LeetZero »