
Hows the story so far

Lol oven of despare full of jews
definitely use this for my English final

Author Topic: Lets make a story  (Read 20276 times)

super brother busting thru the walls with a kfc bucket

to be shaven with

I AFRO NINJA cant post until at least 25 pages are made.
Post da story duuude

Post da story duuude
I got you nugguh

The Blockland Forums

Chapter 1: The beginning

monday monday nigerian nigerio cunt monday cunt cunt monday nig ate pizza with horse richard using mondays and whilst writing this novel mondays blob bob The end.
said the dragon whom ate Died Blueberry 's then forgeted cupcakes in an oven of despair full of jews irony because lovingstuff mondays nigged the shekels mr man after he killed Riddler brother why is the juice in the oven On the barbeque are communists and the Redditors doing this? No, tis is the bronies and the bronies give the jews shekels which racial slur then the furries made them wear purple but suddenly Nothing happened then sonic came to introduce his male-born clone and long lost cousin Hartman the Hedgehog and then raped a monday kill a mocking bird 1958 was a good year except bird killing was made illegal so the jews could produce more racial slurs involving betelgeuse's microsnake which produces shekels at an alarming rate which in turn causes a second vietnam war jews die and the world was a better place. after the second holocaust, they were 200% because they were mondays and the story ended except pineapple raper caper. He licked several thousand richards and they started a researcho. But not any researcho, no it was only called researcho. It was really a documentary about... Betelgeuse Beatleguise, Beatleguise! and then betelguese started spamming his microsnake again guzzling large bottles of semen and yelling "autism!" and started the clan nigerian autists which stood for i kick puppies and forget children and post pics of it Pass then started a researcho featuring mr man nal and also featured the next poster to produce Jews at an alarming rate which called the need for a third holocaust With sp00n.exe and more sonics which were brutally murdered in the third holocaust along with the Jews but it was just decoy because the jews rebelled And the jews ate a schmeckel /end then rughugger hugged a rug and got rug aids He went to the hospital where a doctor was and the doctor poisoned the medicine gave rughugger so rughugger soon died of trying to use bees as a way to cure cancer and as carrots. Then, he spray painted the Jews which ushered in the 4th holocaust. Causing iraq to take over the world then all mcdonalds were replaced by Auschwitz and tribal Hut. With McDonalds out of the picture, the other fast food chains experienced an increase in profits, except for Kentucky Fried Jews because of racial slurs the world was taken over by notorious tribal mexicans who were involved in 9/11 and school shootings, they were gay and homolove and wanted badspot's d. and ate ass NIGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUU - Suddenly, Erich Hartmann stepped out of an experimental German time machine changed his name to Eric Hartman, and made Blockland. What the forget is happening to Maxwell's boobs that are shifting through space time at an alarming rate and forgeted up the doctor's tardis which made kfc run out of chicken. And made all the blacks go crazy and that's bad because the rise of the planet of the apes made Steve Harvey go crazy And he denied the right to remain silent and that caused cookie monster to stuff bricks with corn in it and then he choked on that corn and died. He then went to heaven and masturbated

to tentacle research involving an octopus, Stallin, and ur mum m8. The people at the gates of heaven were pleased to see the note book from Dont Hug Me I'm Scared and A legion of sandmondays recording a live album with Eddie Murphy who titled the album brother stuff with kat williams. And so God saw what was happening and sprayed his baby batter all over his children who happened to be Jews and were disgusted. The TARDIS, still malfunctioning, crash lands in Heaven. The Doctor and his companion are surprised by all of the nude peeps. Meanwhile on earth, the victorians have risen from the dead and are now going to reclaim England, but robots took over the world. but at the same time 77x5ghost fapped to pr0n and ate the remains of his son. meanwhile, the victorians smoked a lot of Dank weed because it was 4:20 th3n h3 got qu1ksk0p3d by h1$ d@d, rip in pizza then, forlordn came back to life and realized montage parodies had nothing to do with this, so then he hurled them on to a boat! And beat the crap out of every single one before Forlordn could wash the remains of undead Victorians off of his fists, the robots ate fried chicken and watermelon, much like their ancestors. a band was formed named the taliband sand mondays. Then as more racial slurs came into existence the tribals drank monday semen as the monday left his juice in the oven. but suddenly sonic went too fast and became a montage meme in the 4th dimension then raped shadow shadow then shat out babies at the speed of sound, leading to the Ebola outbreak. Ebola-chan was a cum dumpster so now EbolAIDS is a thing, and there's no cure, so everyone's infected. But only the white people.. the black people on the other hand is immune but they mixed anyways, because multiculturalism is good for you goy. meanwhile as dudeman162 was watching robot chicken, purple drank rained from the sky and an army of racial slurs attacked the hacker known as "four chin" because of his habit of elephant research and they divided him by zero meanwhile, at Valve Headquarters TF3 was in the works. And gaben was going to implement his waifu, Barrack Obama, into the game and then cancel TF3 and release Richochet 2 Badspot was then the president of Valve, which made the employees... Quit. He brought in kompressor, who together worked on Blockpaul: the final backdoor, which recieved a 10/10 from IGN but 0/10 from brother daily. 77x5ghost made a new game called: sonic the forgethog the final solution giant nuclear explosion . the end But the story was not kill so therefore not end when were you when story dies? i was sat at home eating smegma butter 'story is kill' 'no', "yes" said the can of butter while I ate it on my toenails. while black Jesus turns water into kool-aid on the dinner table while sp00n.exe beats it too jewish research while afro gets his hair cut with hedge cutters and they miss causing a huge bloody mess to be made and immidiately, Spiderman comes out of loving nowhere with a paintbrush, sweeps up the blood and repaints his costume. Afterwards, the paintbrush
slowly disintegrates, because it was created by chemistry wiz Peter Parker Spiderman and he didn't want to leave behind any evidence.

Spiderman engages AFRO loveually with his new styled suit wtf cried batman, as he watched in terror of robin sucking his own rooster Ignoring Batman and gay Robin, he continued his loveual assault. However, as soon as he engaged, Spiderman pulled out his friend detector and yelled “my friend detector is going off!” Following that, he abruptly came up with an idea. Pulling a knife and a gun from his pockets, he told himself “I can make a knife gun” but just then maxwell badspot total logic woke up with his pillow stuck to his face and realized its one of his/her wet dreams. After prying the pillow off of his/her face and using the bathroom, Total Logic walked to the kitchen for a sip of water, totally unaware of Afro Ninja's blazing friendry, proving Total Logic was blind. "Holy loving stuff, what's happening to the jews, why are they in the oven?" asked Riddler "Because Maxwell ditched Ryuko as his waifu" replied a mysterious girl we can't see the face of and is actually trans and her name is Yoko but her full name was yoko kool kids klub yoyo, meanwhile at the kfc bucket afro ninja is plotting a plan to start the black revolution from badspot's worst nightmares, came the praized one, the one and only AFRO NINJA with his amazing speed, jump heights, and stealing capabilities had jumped straight in the dumpster and found even more random trash to post on the forums. everyone died the end lock the topic die. Goodbye.  Everyone thought the end was here, even if they were all dead, but a zombie uprising started there was a total of 100 survivors and 5 of them was immune they was AFRO NINJA 3579, and four scientists that managed to revive everybody. Then a neckbeards came in and shouted "take that diety!" while he-man came in with his battle cat and slayed everyone. "by the power of grey skull" Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats, came out of nowhere and challenged He-Man to a duel! "Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats HOOOOOO!"
The fight was interrupted by a massive carrot flying from a cave but not just any cave.... the bat cave full of bat cum and it flew right into badspot's star fish, and he screamed in joy and said "I am Painis Badspot. I will eat you!", at the same time spongebill learned the dark ways of the krabby patty. This was a recipe for disaster! It was only in time, Putpact, saves the day!  Alas, he died before saving the world. And he ended the story. The End
1 year later...
God restarts the story. On the fifth day, he makes Blockland. But with sauropods and trilobites spamming the servers, he makes Badspot as caretaker. Immediately, Badspot.. Bans the lower beings then creates the second blocklander then badspot sells blockland to Disney /end dne\ yensid dne/ forget exclaimed maxwell as he shoved a frozen stuff ball into a mailbox but there was no mailboxes so you stick a large hose into your urethra and turn it on full blast And that causes the USSR to reform and they decree that The Berlin wall be doubled in height, and that Badspot needs to use the mighty oven of ban to make massive Delicious cupcakes made of stuff .. which in turn he got a patient for it and named it little brother cakes but they were soon made illegal, and the cakes were arrested and shot But the fat monday fapped rapidly to Jack The Black Jesus fried chicken and stuck his peepee in a drill hole. His peepee spun reeeeal fast and it hurt him a lot. So he cut it off and fed it to team ruff but then master chief came from no where and tea bagged everyon except Afro ninja who got butt-raped by the star fish Destroyer 3000 instead and afro died to death. Master Chief was so pleased by the tea-bagging experience that he interjected all over Afro's carcass until he reached a climatic cluster explosion of jizz with the power of a sticky grenade. when suddenly john Mccain came out of nowhere and starting twerking. The intensity of his twerking was so great that it produced a 8049.10 on the Richter scale earthquake and Japan got hit by a tsunami which started World War 3. But soap got shot so captain price cried.... so japan was bombed .-again- and all the neckbeard weeabos screamed like a raptor, while clutching their waifus and katanas. Meanwhile at bedpost's house there was a massive forum party. Suddenly, every forumer turned into Rotondo rotondo is everyone and everyone is rotondo. rotondo is love, rotondo is life but then shrek came in and raped everyone at the party and raped AFRO NINJA and destroyed his tiny back door and ripped a new one. Later, Shrek was insulted and he ogrereacted, making shrek fried rice. but shrek wasn't asian he was infact, an Alderaanian living in Tatooine. He was cooking and suddenly received a call from Luke saying shrek you a bitch ass brother monday ass bitch and a monday. Tootsie rolls sucked deeply on Counter Strike while he played with his Vietnamese dong before ejaculating hot sauce in 77x5ghost's ass Then he started running from social obligations that triggered a nuclear meltdown in tumblr . Meanwhile, feminational socialists got strapped to a chair while 4chan repeatedly slapped them while the feminational socialists tried to scream "CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE Then Arnold Schwarzenegger bursts through the door and beats the stuff out of the feminational socialists then yells "GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!" But 4chan… decides to DDoS the US government servers because the US government is a big load of stuff because Obama murdered Bill Cosby with a rusty garden hose shoved up his urethra and it reached his spine causing cancer. Luckly, Dr. Betelgeuse couldn't hear his cries for help and diagnosed him with autism and then gothboy appeared and blamed it on vaccines, but little did you know, vaccines actually do cause autism while dying of the flu you begin drawing sonic the hedgehog research, with chris-chan being your inspiration As you die you Finally cum on… Bacon? You become winrar. And some idiot buys you. Winrar HQ proceeds to eat you. You go to his stomach and your trouser monster pickpotting your valuables. Meanwhile, in the alternate universe, rlcbm is spamming Redconer's steam with 'hi'. Redconer, annoyed, goes to the blockland forums. He finds a topic, called "Redboner's return" and forum Self Deletes resulting in him hating this forum, and the blockland forumers feasting on its carcass. His whole life turns into cold, bitter hatred. He always wanted to be banned violently. He will try to conjure up a way to retaliate, as this is his time of vengeance and no user is worth saving in his point of view. He will try put in the grave as many as he can. It will soon be time for him to troll, and time for him to be banned again. His blockland forum genocide crusade begins here. “Please stop” says ZombiLoin in response to the genocide crusade “its not like he's hurting anything.” says a fellow forumer. "Please stop" said the forumers, but they were quickly silenced by the forum trollers. Then suddenly, a massive swarm of mondays swarmed kfc but it wasn't kfc it was mc donalds, however it wasn't mc donalds it was a porta-Potty, drinking from the blue liquid of magic they found a rapping granny that queefed a black hole then died Wasn't this suppose to end on page 25? but suddenly it didnt end. but it bend no but vibrates in that spot So you splurge out some liquid from your Urethra and moan loudly then get arrested for x-rated webcam in a Oregon university library . but its none of Afros business -sips Lipton tea- you then get sent to jail. One day in jail, you are taking a shower with about 10 other men in the showering room. You are all busy scrubbing yourselves with water, passing the soap around, but when the soap gets to you, the man who is supposed to pass it to you accidentally drops it. The bar of soap lands by your feet. Everyone is now staring at you. The man who dropped the bar of soap glances at you and says: "What are you waiting for? Pick up the soap." All the while the other men are hungrily eyeing your cute little ass and asking if you work out. You reply with, "Yes. I do." and pick up the soap without complications. Back in your cell with a big nasty fat man you sleep but awake to see super brother busting thru the walls with a kfc bucket super brother rescues you from the prison, but not before he asks you for your large mangina. to be shaven with muh shekels and to suck a big circle richard
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