Author Topic: I'm shy as forget around girls  (Read 2980 times)

why is it that OP and several other young members constantly keep making these girl topics
like give it a break will ya lol
puberty is cray cray yo

CRAZY THOUGTS her gys jus stik w/ me...

r girls jus lik ne othr ppl but w/ boobles n cooties...

why do i get a tingly sensation in my no no parts when im around girls is it normal guys help me please im scared

why do i get a tingly sensation in my no no parts when im around girls is it normal guys help me please im scared
its called aids

its called aids
i went to doctor last week and told him my balloon animal inflates randomly when im around these strange creatures. he said its normal but i dont trust him because when i told my friends they all ran away thinking i was sick. am i going to be ok? will i lose my friends? i dont like being different


No no no.

» Up next on Maury

GayRavencroft grew up his entire life thinking that Nick Pue Bertie was his real mom. Nick denies maternity! In a heated family drama between their shared mistress, Tenshi (whose DNA appears in all of their blood), no one knows who is related to who and in what manner. There may be some Twerky and a little Tezuni in the gene pool. Find out next Thursday what we uncover about this uncanny relationship!

Play rage inducing games like SSMB and Uno with them and you'll feel a little more like yourself when you're with them.

It's worked for me.