Author Topic: So apparently medieval archery was far more badass than we think  (Read 1614 times)

she must be great fun at parties

forget this is exactly what i thought

[im g][/img]

sorry guys, but lars is full of it. this woman's a bit unsettling but all of her points are valid
still, the guy is completely badass

she must be great fun at parties
Yeah I hate when people call out blatant liars too.

Yeah I hate when people call out blatant liars too.

you must be great fun at parties
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 01:40:13 PM by Rally »

you must be great at parties
You must be terrible at parties...

Repeating what you say, acting like an ass, you're not invited to any party I throw on this forum.

This guy would die so fast in a medieval battle while trying to pull of his trick shots.
He probably had to do hundreds of takes of each shot hoping to get lucky in one of them.

The video is click bait even and all of his facts are bullstuff.

You must be terrible at parties...
Repeating what you say, acting like an ass, you're not invited to any party I throw on this forum.

y'all are the ones ripping this guy a new one because he got some ancient mongolian quiver history wrong along with his ability to fire 3 arrows accurately mid-air in under a second

smdh and im the ass

y'all are the ones ripping this guy a new one because he got some ancient mongolian quiver history wrong along with his ability to fire 3 arrows accurately mid-air in under a second

smdh and im the ass
He didn't get it wrong, he chose to remain ignorant while trying to brag to others about all the stuff he learned. The guy is a great trick shooter, but there are others just like him.

y'all are the ones ripping this guy a new one because he got some ancient mongolian quiver history wrong along with his ability to fire 3 arrows accurately mid-air in under a second

smdh and im the ass
What about the part where he says he "delved deep into caves to discover secret pictures in tombs" to find pictures easily accessible on Google.

Found him guys.
[img][/im g]

The guy in the OP is better than Arrow imo

Plate armor makes all that useless
i think i've read about english longbows (or was is crossbows? idk) being able to pierce armor with decent reliability

i don't know man sounds like a pretty good story to tell at a party
not that you would know about that
pff haha
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 02:03:10 PM by Dreams_Of_Cheese »

What about the part where he says he "delved deep into caves to discover secret pictures in tombs" to find pictures easily accessible on Google.

i don't know man sounds like a pretty good story to tell at a party
not that you would know about that

why is she "unsettling"?

dunno. something about her voice just seems off to me