Author Topic: So apparently i think this guy attempted to give me a virus  (Read 1381 times)

yeah dude, speaking about knifes, i had a 525 USD knife once
this brother

i've gotten these from like ten people, all of them were bots that instantly offlined or posted from offline
there was actually one friend request i got from someone who was online, and I just said "I don't know who you are, but the last two dozen friend requests I got were from bots trying to hit me with scam sites. Here's hoping this one is different." They never replied. I still don't know who this person is or why they friended me.

i rarely use steam and i think i've only gotten like, one or two scam attempts. the solution is to never accept invites unless i know who they are or i know beforehand that they're adding me.

i also have like no games and nothing valuable that can be traded in my inventory (only trading cards, profile BGs, and emoticons).

I you play anything with any sort of active trading community you will get invites from these bots. just block, report, and remove.