Author Topic: SCP-127: The Living Gun  (Read 1665 times)

I don't think that this has ever been done, but I was wondering if one of you coders and modelers out there can create SCP-127. It looks a lot like an MPK5 but instead shoots teeth.

Unlike most who request just the weapons themselves, there should be a few unique qualities to the add-on:

  • A full clip of 60, but a subtle reload animation. The reload time must take about 5-9 secs.
  • Damage levels can be anything, just make it significant enough not be a copy of already said MPK5.
  • Custom sounds are a must for this thing! It's not a living firearm if you don't hear human groaning from it from time to time.
If you have any questions about the specifications, refer to the excerpt from the SCP Foundation below.

Artist's rendition of internal structure of SCP-127

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-127 is considered no more dangerous than a normal firearm of its type. However, due to its extraordinary properties, it is to be held in Weapons Locker 7-C when not in use and suspended in water rich in calcium and protein. At this time, only the research team assigned to SCP-127 has clearance to access it.

Description: SCP-127, upon first glance, appears to be a standard MP5K submachine gun. Tests have revealed that aside from the outer steel shell, the entirety of the firearm is organic and alive. The weapon's ammunition initially appeared to be human-like teeth. However, DNA testing of the "bullets" resulted in no match to any known species on Earth.

SCP-127 features two settings: semi-automatic and fully automatic (an audible groan can be heard when switching between the two). Upon depleting the weapon's "magazine" (typically 60 shots), it takes between 3-5 days to regrow a new supply of ammunition. Attempts to remove the magazine have resulted in failure—it seems to be permanently attached to the weapon.

SCP-127 does not seem capable of reproduction at this time (scans have shown no apparent reproductive organs) and requires no sustenance beyond water, calcium, and protein.

SCP-127 was originally located in the house of a Mr. James █████████████. Mr. █████████████ was found dead from a heart attack on the night of November 17, 1991. Coroner's reports state that Mr. █████████████ died sometime in the morning of November 8th, but was not noticed missing until more than a week later. No complications or unusual circumstances were found to lead to his death. Due to his extensive gun collection, the ATF and FBI were notified to collect his weapons. SCP-127 was discovered during testing and cataloging, and was promptly collected by SCP Agents.

Addendum: Reclassified as Safe ██/██/199█.

Thanks a bunch!

That first suggestion implies that you didn't even read the whole article at all. It's like you just looked at the title and then the picture depicting the gun without giving the page a good read. The article even states that the mag CAN'T be removed and that the ammo takes days to grow back.

The rest of the suggestions are okay. If a setting for the time it takes to regenerate ammo is implemented, then it's alright. It makes me think of the shock-roach from Opposing Force.

That first suggestion implies that you didn't even read the whole article at all. It's like you just looked at the title and then the picture depicting the gun without giving the page a good read. The article even states that the mag CAN'T be removed and that the ammo takes days to grow back.

The rest of the suggestions are okay. If a setting for the time it takes to regenerate ammo is implemented, then it's alright. It makes me think of the shock-roach from Opposing Force.

What I meant for the reload time was exactly that. I know well that the mag can't be reloaded, so I asked for a subtle reload. It doesn't need to be an animation for anyone who decides to take this idea. It can even be a sound to signify when reload is complete. That was the entire point of the first suggestion. I never skim articles that I read for the SCP Foundation.

What I meant for the reload time was exactly that. I know well that the mag can't be reloaded, so I asked for a subtle reload. It doesn't need to be an animation for anyone who decides to take this idea. It can even be a sound to signify when reload is complete. That was the entire point of the first suggestion. I never skim articles that I read for the SCP Foundation.
Fair enough. I don't think the animation is necessary; custom sounds are optional for the creation of new teeth ammo, but it can be silent as well. The regenerating ammo can also apply to when the weapon isn't currently equipped.

I've read this article a long time ago, so the thought of it having the reload animation seems off to me.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 01:03:03 PM by Master Shadow Phoenix »

if this is living then what is the front grip?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

if this is living then what is the front grip?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
SCP-127 does not seem capable of reproduction at this time (scans have shown no apparent reproductive organs) and requires no sustenance beyond water, calcium, and protein.
A grip.

Funny, i actually requested this and 50-AE-J. Hopefully 127 gets made too.

This could be just a disposable weapon.
A fast firing, high damage, 60 round MP5K that has to be disposed of when you run out of "Ammo".

This could be just a disposable weapon.
A fast firing, high damage, 60 round MP5K that has to be disposed of when you run out of "Ammo".

It wouldn't be to good, then, cuz 60 shots from a full-auto SMG can get "chewed up" very quickly.That pun 'tho.
Plus, which hurts worse? Teeth or bullets?
That rhetorical question 'tho.
Though I may be a bit hyper-realistic in an unrealistic sandbox game, This mod, like most other mods made based on other games and/or things, should be as close as possible to the original, at least how I see it.
Again, I made this suggestion because I'm still learning on my own how to make mods, but I could've taken this and just done it myself.
I just like to see if some people think the way I think.