Author Topic: onBrickPlaced event  (Read 347 times)

Basically a one-time event that would occur as soon as the brick exists. Would be good for my Salvage gamemode. Thanks!

Possibly another event for whenBrickPlaced, as in whenever a brick is placed anywhere on the server. There would be that brick in the 'Named Bricks' subevent.

How would this be useful if you have to place the brick before giving it events, thus nullifying the point of an event for when the brick is placed.

Unless you could specify what the entire event will be for onbrickplaced, I don't see how this would work any other way.

Now whenbrickplaced seems pretty cool though! You could many server-related things with it like a counter to trigger other events when it gets to a certain number.

How would this be useful if you have to place the brick before giving it events, thus nullifying the point of an event for when the brick is placed.

Salvage lets you destroy/replace bricks, and the bricks can have up to two events saved on them.