Author Topic: A new Build Mode by using the mouse  (Read 774 times)

I've been thinking, what if we make a new building mode which works similar to something like Lego Digital Designer? Instead of walking around and pressing keys on the numpad we use the mouse, there could be a GUI with a list of bricks on the left side of the screen, you click on it and you can grab a brick, you can move it with the mouse, rotate by right click, and build by left brick, and move the camera around by pressing a key to go into orb mode, and then activate the mouse to build again by pressing M, I think this could be a fast way to build idk.

Wait no let me elaborate it better, okay, imagine that there is a command like /buildmode or something, and then the UI shows up around the screen, you still can walk around and stuff, but to use it you have to press that M button to use the mouse in-game, which then allows you to use the UI
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 12:15:27 PM by Filipe »

could defo be done in some capacity. moving with the mouse probs not, since afaik there's no good way to translate from screen space into world space, but you could have it move around by looking around whenever it's 'locked' to the view

whether or not it would work intuitively would have to be tested

How about a build mode where your camera orbits the ghost brick. Just use regular controls to move around the ghost brick and mouse to orbit around it?

Does it have to be client sided?

Does it have to be client sided?
Any mode that works really, I'll provide some examples on how it could work soon
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 12:56:05 PM by Filipe »

How about a build mode where your camera orbits the ghost brick. Just use regular controls to move around the ghost brick and mouse to orbit around it?

That's possible but it sounds pretty dizzying...

How bout where instead of clicking the spot where you want the ghost brick to go you just aim at it

moving with the mouse probs not, since afaik there's no good way to translate from screen space into world space