Author Topic: Rabbot32's general "How to be a not-stuff admin" guide  (Read 779 times)

Step one: Be tolerant, but know limits. If someone comes in with the name "national socialist_zombie_foxypirate13 3769", don't kick him for his name, but do kick him if he starts doing stupid things, such as roleplaying on a non-roleplaying server.

Step two: Control your temper. If you have an anger problem, it might not be the best idea to be an admin- see step ten- someone is going to rile you up just so they can underhandedly have you produce evidence of being a badmin. This will come back to bite you in the ass in the form of losing reputation and respect amongst players. However, if said person is being annoying to the whole server and it's annoying you too, then by all means, go ahead.

Step three: Don't pick sides, but stay out of the road. If there's an argument and you need to break it up, try your best to see things from both sides. Have person a tell his story to you via PM, and then have person b tell you his story via PM. However, if it's a topic that you're dodgy on- see step two- then it might be best to do nothing and let another admin handle it. However, if you're the only one on, you're going to have to pony up.

Step four: Smack the hand in the cookie jar, but don't cut it off. If someone was caught breaking a minor rule- say, for example, forgetting he had his capslock on- don't perma him, give him a warning and a friendly reminder to turn off caps before trying to talk. If he questions what rule that is, take him to the rules building/have him read the /rules and tell him what number it is. If he does it again, see step five.

Step five: Know when to put your foot down. Accidentally using caps once is okay, using caps several times in a row to address the whole server is not. Start with something small, like a five-minute mute. However, be ready for him to be pissed when he can talk again, because odds are you've just made him angry. If he breaks the same rules again, double the time. Again, kick for ten minutes. If he does the same thing four times in a row, ban him for a day. Comes back and does it again, a week. Again, a month. Again, for good.

Step six: Shotgun the doppelganger. As an admin, you should take impersonation very seriously; someone is trying to mislead your players to spam? Two-day ban on the spot, at the least. If the same person comes back and tries it again, perma. If it's clearly in jest- E.G, "Blockhead249582: oh im tezuni noooo freekillin blah blah blah", then you should tell them that their very funny, but remind them that Admin work is serious.

Step seven: Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. We all make dumb moves, knowing how to laugh and brush it off will help you get yourself ready for the next time you slip up. Don't take your job as a joke, but when you accidentally kick another admin, instead of going "Oh jesus loving christ I'm the worst admin ever I don't deserve my job", tell them you forgeted up and laugh about it. Joke around, tell them you did it intentionally, but make sure they get that it's a joke.

Step seven: Tell no lies. Unless it's a personal matter that affects you IRL, as an admin, you should be honest with your playerbase. If you're uncomfortable sharing information, tell them! A simple "Uh, I really don't want to share why the server was down" after you just got back from your grandfather's Chemo can go along way, and if the players are insistent tell them that it's a personal matter and you don't want to discuss it. If they continue to pester you about it, start handing out kicks and mutes, but don't make them perma. See step two.

Step nine: A friend is good, but someone you know inside and out is better. Yes, your best friend might make a good admin-buddy, but ask yourself: Is this person cut to be staff? You should ask the following questions:
  • Can they perform the job you're asking of them?
  • Are they reasonable?
  • Not to be rude, but do they deserve the position?
When in doubt, remember CAN. Put yourselves in their shoes and look over this guide again. If you can answer 'I can', 'yes', or 'I agree' to most of these, then they're ready to rock.

Step ten: The world won't end because you slept in. Yes, being an admin is hard work, but being a full-time one is harder. If you're not in the mood to put up with other players stuff, then you need to stay away until you're calm enough to tackle it. If you're in a lousy mood, don't join the server when it's crowded unless you're needed. Worst-case scenario, you loose your lid and go on a ban spree. That's the equivalent of Self Delete-bombing Time's Square, you'll go down in short-term history as 'the guy who couldn't take it', and long-term as 'that one admin who lost it one day'. If you don't feel like you wanna have to deal with players? Then don't! Take the day off and play on another server, or go watch Youtube, or play another game where you don't have to worry about anyone else but yourself.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 12:50:44 AM by Rabbot32 »

I don't think ridiculous names like national socialist_zombie_foxypirate13 3769 should be tolerated, unless you were purposely using an over-exaggerated example.

Also this would better belong in General Discussion.

You have a point. I'm going to lock this and ask an admin to move it.
And by that I mean can someone please report this as 'wrong thread- move to general discussion'? I have no idea how to contact admins.

I know double-posting is bad, but I just remember that I had locked this. Unlocked now, sorry about that.

step one: be chill
step two: get rid of intentionally stuffty people if it stops being funny

ur done

you should have posted this two years ago