Author Topic: [RANT] huff. post being stupid about world wars 1 and 2 (LONG POST)  (Read 1613 times)

a lot of people also seem to confuse the 14 million total casualties with the 6 million jewish casualties

which I think is an even worse holocaust misconception than forgetting the other groups

a lot of people also seem to confuse the 14 million total casualties with the 6 million jewish casualties

which I think is an even worse holocaust misconception than forgetting the other groups
Soviet casualties were at least 20 million dead, both military and civilian.

Soviet casualties were at least 20 million dead, both military and civilian.
I always saw the soviet union's as 24 million

china's was 20 million, however. a statistic often forgotten for no good reason

Also events like the Rape of Nanking, Bhutan Death March, having comfort women, stuff committed by Japan seems mostly forgotten in the west while the nukes are a horrible crime.

^Hydrogen bombs didn't come until the early 1950s, the bombs dropped on Japan were Atom Bombs. Plus the War had ended in Europe by the time the A-bombs were ready.
^^ this what also happens when you fail to teach every to a group of individuals whole grow up to be slacktivists

Also Japan continues to dance around its war crimes to this day while most of Asia still hates Japan.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 07:41:09 PM by Harm94 »

japan's tried a couple of times to apologize for their war crimes, but several leaders like mao zedong have told them not to worry

it's a pretty forgeted up state of affairs once you really get deep into it

Calling Huffpo legitimate journalism is like calling Futurama an accurate depiction of the future.

what the hell am I looking at

I enjoyed reading your rant, but there are some critical flaws, the most notable of which is the fact that you appeared to skip over almost half of the sentences in the article. When you replied to certain sections, you selectively ignored many of the more difficult sentences in favor of easy refutals and obvious counterpoints. This is a mistake that I see very commonly in rhetoric, and I lost a lot of respect for your other points because of it. Please try to be mindful that you reply to all of the article next time.

bravo, after treading dying through the article this rant was a good read.

I enjoyed reading your rant, but there are some critical flaws, the most notable of which is the fact that you appeared to skip over almost half of the sentences in the article. When you replied to certain sections, you selectively ignored many of the more difficult sentences in favor of easy refutals and obvious counterpoints. This is a mistake that I see very commonly in rhetoric, and I lost a lot of respect for your other points because of it. Please try to be mindful that you reply to all of the article next time.
I replied to every single sentence in this article

there is not one sentence missing from the article that I didn't paste into the op and address

but it was primarily because of the treaty of versailles that Riddler was able to get into power

but it was primarily because of the treaty of versailles that Riddler was able to get into power
I wasn't arguing that, I was arguing the author's point that it was the united states's fault that the treaty was so tough

it was the treaty's humiliation of the german spirit and their broken economy that Riddler was able to scapegoat all that he did

I believe Woodrow Wilson was against the harsh restrictions put on Germany. Only France and the British wanted it. Their were similar treaties like the Treaty of Treaty of Sèvres which dismantled the Ottoman empire and the Treaty of Trianon which dismantled Hungary.

There was also the naval treaty which France and the UK didn't follow at all. Plus the problems of the middle east can be traced back to the Treaty of Sèvres because Churchill and his drunk buddies just drew random borders without taking into consideration the various ethnic groups and religions that inhabit the middle east.

Nearly every single thing that was said in that article is what they taught us in our textbooks.

Like: "The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty that ended World War I. One of its main purposes was to put full blame onto Germany for the start of WWI."

They also said the assassination was part of the Black Hand's plan.
man wtf are they teaching us