Author Topic: What Are Your Top 10 Favorite Films?  (Read 1034 times)

Shawshank Redemption
Green Mile
Terminator 2
The Dark Knight

i'm exhausted i'll add more to my list when i remember some more

(In no order)

1. Falling Down
2. Anchorman
3. Gran Torino
4. Star Wars (Original Trilogy, because I believe they are all worthy to be bundled together)
5. Star Trek: Wrath of Khan
6. Super Troopers
7. Fight Club
8. The Matrix (only the first one, the others are meh)
9. Pacific Rim
10. All of the National Lampoon Vacation movies

I cannot make these in order

Back to the Future
The Blues Brothers
Napoleon Dynamite
Star Wars (the original trilogy)
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Shaun of the Dead
Austin Powers trilogy

I will watch any of these whenever they are on however often that may be

Back to the Future
The Blues Brothers
Shaun of the Dead
The Truman Show
Good Morning Vietnam
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

in no order:
red tails
fly boys
Tae Guk Gi
battle of britain
633 squadron
a bridge too far
the lego movie
all 4 indiana jones films (I need to rewatch them)

1. The Fellowship of The Ring
2. The Return of the King
3. An Unexpected Journey
4.The Two Towers
5.Then Battle of Five Armies.
6. The Desolation of Smaug

These are the only movies good enough to be considered my favorite.

in no order:
red tails
fly boys
Tae Guk Gi
battle of britain
633 squadron
a bridge too far
the lego movie
all 4 indiana jones films (I need to rewatch them)
those are like the only movies you've ever seen

those are like the only movies you've ever seen
or maybe I just talk about movies I like

2001 a space oddesy
letters from iwo jima

no particular order

or maybe I just talk about movies I like
maybe u don't like any good movies.......

2001 a space oddesy
forget that boring horsestuff
it was pretty, but not pretty interesting.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 01:25:30 PM by Nonnel »

maybe u don't like any good movies.......
Do not be gay.

1.Tomorrow land
2.Guardians of the Galaxy
3.The Spongebob movie
4.The Simpsons Movie
5.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
6.The Iron Giant (Crackle sniffle pop)
7.Toy Story (All of them)
9.Ice age (all of them)
10.Space dogs

this was really hard

All of them are Lifetime movies. Except No. 1, The LEGO Movie.