Author Topic: BLF: Werewolf - THE FIGHTER FENDS OFF AN ATTACK!  (Read 5222 times)

You guys are gonna make a mistake D:
*Rulebreak here*

You guys are gonna make a mistake D:
You're making a mistake by posting pleads for life

I vote Seath45,hes even pleading for life.

I vote seath even though I'm not in the game.

Sorry--my computer died and had to be repaired.
That's 3 votes for Seath. We need votes on some other people.

here's more tips just 4 u guys

usually when a villager role claims, and has no logical reason to hide, and no one else claims, they're them

if two people claim, it's down to the seer or other Cool Roles to figure out who they are

(and no it's a bit late to claim fighter now guys. cmon. dont be that guy.)

also zealot you should adopt the freenode wolfgame ruleset/roleset imo
feels more natural
(some stuff might be missing from there? idk)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 12:18:55 PM by Tudoreleu »

Meh f it just kill me.

Computer is fixed, finally. Seath will be killed. Vote on a second person to lynch!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 12:36:20 AM by McZealot »