Author Topic: man faces 6 months in jail for disagreeing with sjws on twitter  (Read 2378 times)

He hasn't been charged yet

It's just a dumb case. It'll be news if he's declared guilty.

who genuinely takes "mean tweets" seriously
anita sarkeesian and these 3 women apparently

They met once in person, and Guthrie later told the investigating officer Det. Jeff Bangild that she felt “seedy” just sitting across from him, court heard Tuesday.
She was probably getting bad vibes from all that white, male, cisgendered privilege he was sitting there with.

She was probably getting bad vibes from all that white, male, cisgendered privilege he was sitting there with.

She shouldn't feel threatened because someone who disagrees with her or is watching her feed is actually going to attack her. At worst get a restraining order or something.

sjw's should be gassed

welcome to the new era, look at someone funny or just be a white cis male then prepare to be arrested by the feelings squad to comfort the trigendered otherkin you just offended over the internet
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 03:14:22 AM by Refticus »

canada is the next sweden

disagreeing with feminists?
the world is crumbling infront of my eyes

ITT: femenists are evil you guys! lemme get a chance at being funny by saying the word 'otherkin' or 'cis male'! hah! never gets old!

the topic title is very misleading. from the articles, this guy was a total forgetin creeper.

he shouldn't have to face six months of jailtime, but it's definitely not some dude just speakin his mind. dude is creepy
just going to drop these here for more information again, video provided what appeared to be minimal details, some articles should probably be added to the OP rather than just a brief opinion

the OP is a fairly intense oversimplification of the problem. calling it 'harassment' isn't too far off from what happened (it certainly wasn't a simple disagreement)
whether or not it's worthy of a six month imprisonment idk but some kind of action (court order to cut it out, account suspension, stuff along those lines) would be reasonable
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 04:34:06 PM by otto-san »

SJWs have no balls and can't deal with free speech. Anyone who thinks that people shouldn't say certain things because it doesn't align with their own personal values are insane. SJWs can be some of the most intolerant and exclusive people, but they try to mask that. Say anything they disagree with and you get ganged up on by them and they think "there's more of us so we're right."

Editing to say what this guy did was NOT okay but sjws in general need to grow up.