Author Topic: ITT: We are feminists/SJWs  (Read 1789 times)

a neurotypical cisgendered middle class heteroloveual and part time rapist was teaching a class on 4chan, the cathedral of misogyny

”before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship gamergate and accept that it was the most successful social movement the world has ever known, even greater than third wave feminism!”

at this moment, a brave digendered heteromollusc wolfkin who had 900000 followers on tumblr and understood the necessity of dismantling the patriarchy and fully supported all acts of violence against men stood up and held up a picture of a man looking at a womyn

”explain why this isnt rape, stufflord”

the oppressor stufflord smirked quite rapingly and smugly mansplained “you cant rape people by looking at them you stupid SJW”

”wrong. staring at people violates their personal space and can trigger them. if the patriarchy, as you say, isn't real... then he would've been arrested by now”

the cisgendered stufflord was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and his used carrot. he stormed out of the room crying those manbaby tears. the same tears MRAs cry for the "falsely accused of rape" (who today live in such luxury that most sleep in the top bunk of their prison beds) when they evilly try to prevent the imprisonment of inevitable future rapists. there is no doubt that at this point our professor, jace connors, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a filthy misogynist neckbeard. he wished so much that he had a girlfriend to comfort him, but he himself had rejected them!

the students applauded and all donated to feminist frequency that day and accepted anita sarkeesian as their lyrd and savior. a small transgender girl identifying as an eagle named “equality” flew into the room and perched atop the LGBTQA+ flag and shed a tear on the chalk. its picture was reblogged several hundred times, and the leader of the patriarchy himself showed up and killed himself in the classroom.

the professor lost his tenure and was castrated the next day. he retreated into the hovels of his mancave and was never seen again

when you make handicapped jokes like these you're no better than the people who claim to drink "male tears" and other cringeworthy stuff

Optimist Views: The glass is half full.

Pessimist Views: The glass is half empty.

Feminist Views: The glass is getting raped.

why don't meninists stand up for trans men??!

do you even know the definition of feminism??

yes, because 'the sjws' are a movement and not a term you use to define anyone who disagrees with you

back the forget up champ i wasn't even talking about sjws directly or as a movement at all

besides, even that's not accurate.

another successful topic

Didn't someone say they were going to strangle the next person that used this gif? I forgot who but I remember it fondly

so i was out getting my coffee from the local coffee stand, i asked for his preferred pronouns but i got nothing in return, what a ignorant cis male!
the owner misgendered me as "miss", did he not know i'm a trigendered wolfkin of the third moon of urstar fish, did he not see the cyan and purple wolf tail wag in disapointment?
i told him that my prefered pronouns were "schlpee" and "shpliss" and that he should check his white privelege before insulting a beautiful being.
he just laughed at me so i called the cops, and they arrested me while raping me for "misuse of the emergency hotline".  what a bunch of loveist man pigs!!
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 04:24:01 PM by Refticus »

This gif is extremely misogynistic.
I can't believe people use something so loveist so commonly!

The person in the gif is a man, not a woman, so clearly implying that only men are intelligent enough to have a sense of sarcasam or humour.
He's also ignoring the bandage on his nose, and isn't a woman, obviously saying that women wouldn't be able to cope with it, but the mighty man would.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 04:30:02 PM by Red Spy »