Author Topic: Saints Row 3 - Shock Hammer  (Read 6710 times)

The Shock Hammer

So this thing has been on my workbench for years now. Originally had the hammer part of it working back in v20, to see if I could make electric sparks look better than lightning bolt clip art or spinning blue triangles. Narkro555 provided a model for the hammer but I put the whole thing on hold when it became clear that the animated particles weren't visible to anyone besides the host, causing the cool electric explosion to look like a bunch of ugly snowflakes (which will no doubt show in the screenshot). Thankfully Badspot fixed that in a recent-ish patch, and I let it loose on Pecon's Boss Battles for a test run. I then forgot about Blockland for several months until just now, when I decided I really don't have a reason not to release this thing. At least I think I don't. Maybe there's some huge game breaking bug that caused me to give up on it all those months ago? I guess we'll find out, because I'm turning it loose.

Anyway, here is a picture of me hitting a tree with it:

Special thanks to Narkro555 for modeling it and then letting me keep it in my tool shed for over a year without giving it the spotlight it deserved.

Shock Hammer, as used in Saints Row 3.
Animated electric spark explosion.
Cool science noises when you swing it.
Inventory icon.
70 Radius damage, 150 Direct.
Radius damage does not harm the user.
Not machine washable. Dry-clean only.

Cool! Will download once I get my laptop. Looks like this,kinda:

Someone give the man who modeled that an award.

Very nice Jetz, glad to see its release. You always prove to be a talented programmer, and this is no exception.

What if it goes ballistic in the dry-clean machine


looks cool
boss battlesss


wow dude that was a two month bump

i for one am thankful for that bump for i now have something interesting to add into battlemix

I hate the deckers, they are annoying, but great add-on! nice model downloading

Crikey, that bump.
wow dude that was a two month bump
It's an addon guys, if it is bumped it doesn't matter so long as it works.